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CV's to Tame 0-4-0 pocket rocket into a shunter


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Hi Folks,

Could use a little help...

The Pocket Rocket is an R2672 0-4-0 Saddle Tank (Caledonian Railway 272).

Running Railmaster/elink... loaded the matching configuration.

DCC Decoder is LaisDCC

By Default the prototype speeds worked out to be  shunt16kps = 48kph, Cruise = 128kph Max=155kph

First cut at changes was to use LaisDCC defaults for a steam loco ( CV3 = 20, CV4 = 24, CV5 = 188, CV6 = 60, CV61 = 1) 


This moved things to (prototypical speed) Shunt=27kph Cruise=64kph Max=79kph

I then tried to work with the CV2 start Voltage.... (turned off scale speeds first)

I crept up the CV starting at 10, got to 45.... but nothing would start the little bugger at that first speed step (2kph on Railmaster)

On all of these settings the loco would start at 3kph

Does the 2kph setting on RM even do anything?

My target is to ger the loco within 10% of prototype speed ... current settings are out of sight better than default!

Any help appreciated.

Bye for now

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The main problem you are working with is the slot car loco has the wrong gearing. It is far too high on the older models. The newer ones are apparently much better.


You can as you have found out fiddle with the speed curve and adjust the kick start voltage (but only on some decoders types), however this is a compromise for some locos - a bit like running a race car as a taxi.


You may find you have got it as good as it gets unfortunately..The final answer is to change the gearing, not a simple task, that it has been tried several times by folk over the years with these little monsters.


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Well, some success has been had...

With CV2=0, CV5=50 and CV6=20....


I reprogram the CV's, then go back to previous settings, and my results change !?!

Right now I am not sure whether something funky is going on with the algorithms in the decoder, or whether it is in RM...

Top scale speed (58kph) has varied from circa 67kph down to 47kph - for no logical reason that I can discern...

Does BackEMF mess with "stuff"?

The speeds for Cruise and Top Speed are at around the right levels - Shunt speed has varied from a best of 27kph to worst of 37kph (all with the same CV settings - but after complete halt and reprogramming)

Starting setting on RM is 5kph - I cannot seem to get it to start at the lowest 2kph setting. - and that measures at scale 16kph.

All things considered, with RM set to scale speed, the Pocket rocket is relatively tame.

Really need to understand how the decoder interprets the settings, and the interactions with RM better - might result in more consistency.

But the settings I have used here might give someone else a head start (and save hours of measurement and experimentation).


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I seem to remember someone on here fiddling with the resource (I think) database to adjust speeds, but I forget the details. I would not think your adjustments would be read back into the RM listing of scale speeds for that loco, else it would likely be overwritten at next software update. I think that is what the database fiddling was about. Those involved may spot this and respond telling more.

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