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Brand new to the hobby - Day 3 Observations

Will Hay

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Two options:

DCC - wire your point motors to accessory decoders controlled by your DCC controller - can be button fiddly to use and can take power away from the track usage. You also have to remember the point numbers to enter into the controller.


DC - wire your point motors via a separate power source and a CDU (for solenoid motors only) controlled by manual switches - instant operation and allows the use of a mimic panel replicating your layout so no point numbers to remember.


Combined DCC  and DC - wire your point motors as per DC system then have DCC accessory decoders fire into the coils of a bank of relays that control the DC side. Best and worst of both worlds due to added complexity of wiring.

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I have Rob's option 3 - Combined DCC and DC - but in all honesty I never use the DCC operation - it's to slow, and I only wired them up because you could. I use DCC Concepts Cobalts Digital iP's on the scenic part of the layout and Peco solenoid in the fiddle yard - all points are operated with toggle switches. The Peco solenoid motors are operated through a Gaugemaster CDU. BB

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