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Moderators Holidays


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Anyone know when the moderators are back from the Christmas/New Year break? I made a post with pictures, in the military vehicles section a few days ago and don't know if it just hasn't been moderated yet or whether it failed to upload?

I don't want to try and repost and duplicate it, if its just waiting for moderation!


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Some news that we have recently learned over at the Hornby Forum, that the Adminstrator has left, so it looks as if posts with images that need approving will be waiting for a long time yet, before they do finally get approved.


I do believe that this post will be of interest to many users: Hornby Forum - Forum Adminstrator - UPDATE.


GNR-Gordon-4 (AF)

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That goes some way to explain why posts I made nearly 3 weeks ago haven't been moderated! Am guessing even thought they knew this guy was leaving they done have anyone who can cover his role until they find a permanent replacement??! 

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OK, I did not know that the Community Moderators on this forum knew about it. I assume then that all Community Moderators on all of the forums, know about the Adminstartor's depature.


I am sorry for making the announcement, but it appeared that members here on the Airfix Forum were wondering why it is taking so long for their images to be approved, so I thought I would share the information that I have learned over at the Hornby Forum. I hope that's alright?


GNR-Gordon-4 (AF)

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Doesn't help the rest of us minions who want to post images of our work and completed models?!! 


Only somebody with access to the forum control panel can approve images, the mods don't have any such access. I understand everyone's frustration and to be honest I think it's unacceptable that we're in this situation and that there's been no announcement to tell members what's going on. 

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I am sorry for making the announcement, but it appeared that members here on the Airfix Forum were wondering why it is taking so long for their images to be approved, so I thought I would share the information that I have learned over at the Hornby Forum. I hope that's alright?


No worries at all. If I'd known mods on the other forums had posted up I would have done so here.

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Thank you.  😀


I just kept reading posts here at the Airfix Forum, where people asking when there images will be approven and that won't be for a while yet. I don't think admin would post any of the fourms the update, as there is no Adminstrator, by sounds of things, hence why no images are being approved presently.


GNR-Gordon-4 (AF) 

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Post somewhere where they allow you to show images without having to go through the moderating process.

Oh but I also want to post them here cos usually the process is straight forward!                                                      

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Doesn't help the rest of us minions who want to post images of our work and completed models?!! 


Only somebody with access to the forum control panel can approve images, the mods don't have any such access. I understand everyone's frustration and to be honest I think it's unacceptable that we're in this situation and that there's been no announcement to tell members what's going on. 


Wasn't a dig at Comm Mods. Not their problem though you are in a better position than the rest of us lol! And normally I stick up for Airfix when I can but on this occasion you would think they would have someone able to cover the role as I'd suggest the Forum running smoothly would be an important part of the business module? And also they don't do themselves any favours with not communicating with their customers! 

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I didn't regard it as a dig at the comm mods. We don't have any inside track other than Adam telling us he was away on Christmas Eve IIRC. To be brutally honest, with the number of people that post regularly on the forum (I'm sure a lot more are lurking), Airfix probably don't regard the forum as crucially important. It's not running on up to date software and they don't throw a whole lot of resources at it. Go figure. 

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Post somewhere where they allow you to show images without having to go through the moderating process.

Oh but I also want to post them here cos usually the process is straight forward!                                                      

and sharing airifx models with airfix fans on the airfix site is fun

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Yes RSM I do like getting feedback (hopefully positive) from like-minded people so enjoy using the forum. Cos basically the better half ain't interested!!


Oh and the uploading of images would seem to be happening again so all is good. 

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I can't really add any more, only to confirm and back up what's been said. Also I think it of value to say that my understanding is that the Aifrix team is much smaller than might be imagined; the glory days of the 70s when there were perhaps dedicated staff for such things are long gone - not that we had anything like the internet back then anyway, 


So yes, I know it's frustrating - I want to see everyone's builds as much as everyone wants to post them - but all we can do as ask for patience in the meantime.

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