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Railmaster 1.72 error message

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Since updating the railmaster version to 1.72 I get the following error message popping up, can anyone help with a fix? I had no short circiut prior to the update and the USB cable as always worked well and in fact I have tried another USB cable and I still get the same message.


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This error message keeps popping up since I have loaded the 1.72 update, there was no short circuit previously and the USB connection to my computer was fine and infact I have tried an alternative cable and still get the same message popping up , anyone have any ideas on how to fix?

I have three Linx tablets with Railmaster on them.

One works ok, the other two keep displaying that message. 

I don't know why the difference between them.

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This error message keeps popping up since I have loaded the 1.72 update, there was no short circuit previously and the USB connection to my computer was fine and infact I have tried an alternative cable and still get the same message popping up , anyone have any ideas on how to fix?

I have three Linx tablets with the Railmaster App.

One is ok, the other two show that message, all applied the same on my Elite.


I think I updated the good one on opening up the app.

For the dodgy ones I think I had to download from the link on the top of the page due to firewall issues.


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I have just connected up the second Linx tablet, which kept displaying the above message.

I edited the ini file 'Elite Feedback= 1 to 0'

and this seems to have fixed it.

The correctly functioning Linx is still 'Elite Feedback = 1.

I may try reloading the above link again on the second Linx.

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I can only refer you back to the handheld manual that downloads with ech revision.

I don’t understand why of three tablets, one uses the update downloaed at top of page but the others use an app from somewhere else,


... and the light may be coming on slowly, RM internally flagged there was an update when you started it. I only relate to apps as being on handheld devices and downloaded from a ‘store’ somewhere.

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Elite feedback setting =1 means that whatever is on the Elite screen or RM screen echo (feedback to) each other. I.e. move the screen slider and Elite throttle also adjusts. Switch on a function and it is the same on both screens, etc, etc.


You may be confusing the 0 and 1 settings with those applied to Alt Comms and Check Controller, which are totally different and have to do with basic communications between the controller and PC device. It is these you must get right to get rid of the comms error dialogue you have been seeing.

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For starters I would have thought a tablet connection would hae been wireless not usb, so have you read and followed the advice in the handheld manual as spoken to earlier.


Find the good tablet settings  and emulate those on the bogey tablets.


It is (without reading the famous manual) likely to be the inin file settings. Try Ray’s  Utility to set the ini file correctly.

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Elite feedback setting =1 means that whatever is on the Elite screen or RM screen echo (feedback to) each other. I.e. move the screen slider and Elite throttle also adjusts. Switch on a function and it is the same on both screens, etc, etc.


You may be confusing the 0 and 1 settings with those applied to Alt Comms and Check Controller, which are totally different and have to do with basic communications between the controller and PC device. It is these you must get right to get rid of the comms error dialogue you have been seeing.

You guys have lost me here. 

Handheld? What’s that about.

I altered Elite feedback to=0 which stopped the pop up and stopped that function.

Didn’t change anything else. 

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I had thought that a Linx tablet was a tablet, i.e. handheld. Having looked at the spec it appears to a PC device like a notebook.

As you have it working on one but not another maybe it is something to do with the update state of each Linx, say bios. Maybe our tame IT guru could make comment.


As I said before all the Elite feedback does is enable comms between what the RM screen and Elite screen echo to each other. The main comms is usually controlled by the Alt Comms and Check Controller settings.


Have you checked the baud rate in Device Manager matches that for the Elite in RM.

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