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Railmaster Utility Program

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As a result of one or two queries from Forum users, I have created a pc program which provides four functions which will supplement Railmaster fuctionality. The four functions are as follows:-


1) Set points startup sequence numbers equal to the points' address. (ProPack users only)

One disadvantage of upgrading to ProPack is that when startup sequence numbers are added to each points configuration in the Layout Diagram, Railmaster allocates a default value of zero as the sequence number. This function allows the user to set the points startup sequence number equal to the points' DCC address. The user can select which points configurations should changed in this way.

2) Rotate Layout

This function allows a Layout Diagram to be rotated through 90, 180 or 270 degrees around its centre point.

3) Add Controller B

When a user adds a second controller to a layout, it is usual to require that controller to take over the control of points and/or signals from the first controller. This function allows the user to select all points and/or all signals and to specify the controller to be used in a Layout Diagram and/or Program files.

4) INI File Settings

This function allows the Railmaster.INI file to be amended using a graphical interface rather than editing the text of the INI file.


The program is available in my OneCloud storage area which can be accessed using this link- Utility Program. It can be downloaded to any convenient place on a pc's HD drive, but it must be "Run as Administrator" to allow it to amend/create files in the Railmaster folder. There is also a User Guide available for download in both Word 2016 and PDF formats. The program has been tested on both Windows 7 and Windows 10 operating systems. If anyone has difficulty in using it, please let me know.


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I would like to thank Ray for placing these utilities in the public domain, as I know he puts a lot of time and effort into them.


A couple of points users should note:

In the Rotate utility, although the Track parts are rotated, RM has no facility for rotating text labels so these stay horizontal and may appear to be out of place. Each rotated plan can if required be modified individually in the Designer.


The ini.file utility will also place those pesky Alt Comms and Check Cont lines at the end of the file for you.

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When the page Ray’s link to opens, you will see three documents which allow you to select them by a tick box. Then press download and they go to your Downloads folder. From there copy to anywhere you like.

Then you need to extract all into the same place before you can read the instructions and run then.exe as administrator. I have put a short cut on my desktop pointing to the .exe file, modified to always run as admin, sme s RM shortcut does.

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Hi Ray


Just uploaded the utility to my PC. Some feedback for you and others, no real problem as all seemed to work fine. This was after an update to 1.72 and on a W10 machine.


1. Error message

During installation. Line 18 - Parameter name not recognised:- Palm interval=7


2. Allocate Start Up Sequence to Points

All boxes appear as expected = unchecked.

On placing a check in #1 the #2 position gets a blue background.

Checking subsequent positions does not replicate this further down the list.

Toggling #1 on/off does not clear #2. Using the Check/Uncheck all boxes option does.


3. Screen Rotate

A nice touch here is that the newly rotated plan is saved in the Set-Up Track and Design screen plan selection drop downs with the suffix of the angle as you say in the notes and the operation does not overlay your original plan.

That worried me a bit to start with - which is why I used the 180° rotation first as it could be easily corrected. 😀


A point for users. The new orientation does not show on the RM operating screen until you refresh it using Sytem Settings.  When you select the new view you are asked if you want to set points and signals as per the settings on Tab #1 in this utility.




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Hi Rog,


Many thanks for your feedback.


1. Error message


The parameters shown in tab 4 of the main window are based on the list of INI file parameters shown in the current Railmaster Guide. "Palm interval=" isn't one of them. Personally, I hadn't seen this parameter anywhere until I looked in the Railmaster Handheld Guide. I have never user a Handheld device for Railmaster, so maybe someone else can explain why this parameter is omitted from the main Railmaster Guide. Does the Handheld App have its own INI file ?


2. Allocate Start Up Sequence to Points


The blue background means that line has been clicked on the right hand side where the number is. It is the normal way Windows shows a selected item in a list, so it isn't really a fault. However, I have amended the program so that if an item is clicked at its right hand side, it briefly appears with a blue background, then returns to normal.


Regarding your final point at the end which is unnumbered, you have highlighted something which hadn't occurred to me, so it is worth mentioning here. When the INI file is being read, as you pointed out in 1. Error Message, if the program reads any parameter which it does not recognise, then it displays a warning message, but carries on, ignoring that parameter. On the other hand, if there are any parameters missing from the file, which are in the current RM User Guide list, then the Hornby Default value will be assigned to it, but the user will not be warned that the parameter was missing from the file. This means that if anyone does not have, for example, "Ask to set points=" in their original file, then when the Save button is pressed, a new parameter will be generated with the Hornby default "Ask to set points=1". So after using this program and saving the INI file, users might see the "Set Points" message box appear during the Startup of their next session. It also means, of course, that if the line is missing from the INI file, the default value used is zero, not 1 as described in the Guide. If the user doesn't want this question asked at startup, then the program can be used again to uncheck the box for this parameter, and re-save the file.



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Good stuff Ray.


Just to say that my "Ask to set points" box was Unchecked in the first instance. However checking it, saving then unchecking and saving has cleared it. I can rotate at will with no interruption.



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