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New Kid on the block.

Puffed Out

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Nice layout now with 3 main lines and sensible guards against trains that wish to commit suicide. Well thought out. Where will the controller be ?

Thanks very much.

The controller, at the moment, is placed near my computer at the far end but off the layout.  It's out of sight in the photo.

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Another photo posted,(once it's moderated). Pretty much sorted now.. Just waiting on deliveries for the final pieces of track.(hopefully). I have laid pieces of track in a rough positions, to show the 'final' layout.(maybe).

I will post another photo once it's done, and powered up on all the loops.

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I like the"wiggley line" that connects all 3 circuits on the right hand side!!!

When the track arrives to complete the radius 1 loop, I'l be adding another set of RH points into the radius 2 loop, at the start of where the "wiggley line" is. That's the idea, but it wil be liable to change, as always. 😆

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Well...the RH point arrived, but they sent the wrong one.  Express point R8078 was sent. What I needed and asked for, and was billed for was R8073.  Another wait.*!>)+^&%$.

Power distribution will be done via Power Tracks. 7 of them, and I bought a spare. (Bank balance is heading south again).  All ready now for the wiring up. Took me 45 minutes to get the wiring marked so it works.(One loop at a time). I've marked each Power track connection Red & Black. 


Here's a photo....




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All wires connected, and at last the final pieces of track arrived this morning, and fitted.

Testing the loops, all is in order......trains are running fine, so that's a relief. One small problem, the engine derailed on one set of points, and tripped out the controller. 

The problem appeared to be one of the little guide rails was high(the pointy end). So with a modelling file, removed the high spot.


Just one thing.......how long does it take the controller to re-set itself.?   Seems to take ages and ages.!

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Just one thing.......how long does it take the controller to re-set itself.?   Seems to take ages and ages.!


What controller model is it?

May possibly reset sooner if you disconnect it from its input power source !!

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As that is Hornby's recent new controller there is not much 'user feedback' available about it in the forum pages to offer an answer to your question.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Seems like more than a month since i started my layout, but here it is.  Plenty left still to do, the rail layout is pretty 95% finished.  Just a few tweeks here and there.

I mashed together a cardbooard engine shed, now all I need to do is replicate in MDF.  It's a basic design, just need to pencil in windows etc ect..  The front 'wall/entrance' maybe changed.

The white strips of paper indicate where track/truck crossings will be.





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  • 3 months later...

Well now, everything is about to change with my 8 x 4 layout.  I have managed to get another 8 x4 included to extend it to an 'L' shape. The old layout board will be scrapped, and has beem replaced with 12mm MDF sat on 3 x 2 timber frame on 16 legs and wheels.

Just painted the boards with grey undercoat, with MDF sawdust mixed in for texture. Looks like battleship grey at the moment.

Photo's attached, when the mods have vetted them to view. 😆

I'll be running 4 loops from 3 seperate controllers, but will be having isolating track connections fitted so I can run my Loco's on all loops. (Just need to remember to use one controller at a time).

I have added an outer loop by using flexitrack, and extended the 2 inner sides of the 'L', by 120mm each, so essentialy a radius 5 and a bit.

Radius 1 loop, has been halved, so it's now a long curved siding.(It will be removed or adjusted for more sidings).

Far right of photo will be a small station plus a passing siding.  This will be a passenger connection from Radius '5' loop to radius 4 loop. 

Wish me luck please, I will need it. 😆

Oh, this was the dining room, which has been hardly ever used, but at least it's still usable now the layout isn't sat on the dining table. 😮 😆



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