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Sound problems


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I bought an Oxford Rail N7 from Rails of Sheffield that would lose the chuffing sound after about 30 seconds of running.  They replaced the locomotive but the that one did exactly the same with the addition of a sound like a high pitched bee taking its place.  I sent that back and spoke to the engineer whilst he was running it on their track.  Apparently it was working perfectly normally and he had been running it for about 30 minutes.  It was returned to me but....it did exactly the same only the high pitched buzzing noise was more intense.

I am using railmaster with an e-link.  It is up to date as I know it uploaded new software a couple of weeks ago.  The locomotive uses a Loksound 4 decoder (ready installed).  Is it possible that there is another reason for the problem, software incompatiblilty or something, other than a faulty decoder because it works perfectly on their layout.  It would be useful to have some ideas before I contact them again on Monday.


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RM can only be considerred up to date if you downloaded today and every day. This will catch unaanounced updates which may fix glitches or simply add more locos or decoders to the database.


ESU v 4.0 decoders are supported. You can check this by reading CV7 and 8 in RM. if you right click CV7 it will also be in the drop down list.


The sounds you are hearing may be the way the decoderis set up but I would have expected the Rails repairs tech to have spotted that. You could try a decoder reset per the decoder manual.

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The engineer would certainly have noticed this because the normal chuffing sounds go completely and a continuous, fairly high pitched, whine takes their place all the time the locomotive is running.  The thing that I don't understand is that it works normally on their track but not on mine.  I would have expected the same results on both tracks.

I have made no changes to the decoder, just set it up on the database and ran it.

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In one of your previous posts you wrote (screen capture image below)




If you still have the capacitor fitted in the 'power track' that you wrote about in the above post. Then be aware that the capacitor MUST be removed when being used on a DCC controlled layout. The capacitor interferes and distorts the data commands sent to the loco decoder in the DCC track signal. This may possibly account for why your loco runs fine on the shop layout but not yours.


The R8206 and R602 power tracks & clips, plus the R8201 link wires ALL contain the capacitors and are designed for DC Analogue use. On DCC layouts you are supposed to use the R8241 and R8242 power track / clip products (or better still, directly attached soldered wires). The R8206, R602 & R8201 products can be made 'DCC friendly' by removing the factory fitted capacitors.




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I suspect that you have not got the text "on/off" on the F1 button label in RailMaster.


If the 'on/off' text is missing, the sound plays only once then turns off. The chuffing sound might be a 30 second loop, thus the play once sequence lasts 30 seconds.


In RailMaster any sound that is supposed to play continually until 'you the operator' chooses to turn it off, MUST have the text "on/off" (without the "quote" marks) on the button label (see example image below). Else the sound only plays once and then stops.




If the "on/off" text is missing. Edit the button label in the 'Locomotive Settings' screen for this particular loco to add the "on/off" text.


This is all explained in this 'How To' thread.



PS - Why the high pitched buzzing....I have no idea.....I have 7 x Loksound V4 decoders on my layout and never have a problem with them using RailMaster & Elite as my controller.

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The sound on/off is set up for F1.  I have just done a quick video to record the sound and uploaded it to Youtube.  The link is

The whining starts just as the chuffing begins to drop off.  it is a bit noisy as I haven't started the underlay yet.

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In your video....can't be sure because of the lack of lighting and the video was near pitch black....but I had the distinct impression that when the loco was whining the loco was running around the track at speed.


When tested in the shop, maybe they tested it at a more realistic sedate pace.....hence why they didn't get the same results you got.


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I was only trying to catch the sound so not focusing the camera.  It was going at about half speed I think.  Certainly not full speed.

I have returned it now which was the advice of the Rails engineer. Listening to it running, over the phone, he thought possibly the motor but couldn't really tell.

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