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Wiring R406 signal to DCC

Guest Chrissaf

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By default the R8247 is configured for 100 ms pulse output operation. The operation of the R406 signal requires the R8247 port to be configured for 'always on'.


The Select controller is not capable of changing the R8247 port from 'pulse' to 'always on' configuration unless it is upgraded to version 1.6 firmware (or already has 1.6 installed).


The firmware version is dispayed briefly on the Select LCD display as the very first number to display when the Select is powered up.


What is the firmware version of your Select?


The fact that your R406 signal is displaying green, may be indicative of a fault. But I would need to know your firmware version number first before expending energy chasing a false clue.


If your Select firmware is version 1.5 or below, you will either have to have it upgraded to version 1.6 or modify your R406 wiring to include a latching relay and an external 12 volt power supply.


....orignally connect black to common - red to + and green to -


This post written by Hornby confirms that the common wire used on the R406 is Green and not Black


This post shows how to use a latching relay with the R406 when not using 1.6 firmware on the Select.


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hi with regard to the firmware version - I bought  this select as part of a mixed freight set brand new from Jamlam - Ive looked in the manual and can corfirm that the firmware accoring to them it the first 2 numbers that flash up are 20 30 and 03 so that indicates to me from my understanding of the handbook this is firmware 2.0 version 3 with default loco as 3 ? does indicate a problem with the select if so its not a problem as its new so can return it

also refering to the poist by Hornby tried the green as common

also tried 2 different r406s and both do same - again they are brand new out of the box from jamlam



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20 30 and 03


As far as I am aware the only valid numbers for the first number displayed are from 10 to 16. Denoting firmware versions 1.0 to 1.6


  • The second number 30 denotes the main PCB revision number.
  • All Hornby digital controllers have 03 as the last displayed number. This is the default DCC address that the controller boots up to. In other words the default 03 address of a decoder.


Version 16 (1.6) has only just recently been released. The resident Select firmware expert (RAF96) will need to comment on your number 20 display.

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Is your Select the shiny new one as pictured below. If so firmware v2.0 is the same as the old style Select firmware v1.6.


The two versions are currently identical but numbered such that if future updates affect one but not the other independent configuration control can still be maintained if the firmware versions drift apart.


You can prove the latest version is installed by writing to CVs for example write value 8 to cv8 to reset a decoder or write value 50 to CV3 to make your loco accelerate really slowly. How to do this should be covered in the manual.


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Thanks Rob for clarifying. So it appears that a brand new Select is starting to be shipped.


So as this version of the Select compliments the old Select with 1.6 firmware, then it will be possible to change the R8247 port to 'always on' operation if it hasn't been done already. This needs to be confirmed as done before further diagnostics can be processed to resolve your 'only green' lights issue.

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Hi again new - second post - got a new layout going on with DCC control - track tested all good with the locos Ive got and mastered the DCC (select) control of them - have my points all wired up and programmed into congroller via the R8247 accessory and point controller in batches of 4 as the manual suggests - however when I try to do the same with the R406 signal - again in batches via a different input on the R8247 I can only get a green signal - orignally connect black to common - red to + and green to -  have tried other combos but the controller wont switch the light red on  it stays constant green - tried reprogamming to different channel - ie 75 81 etc but with same results - have then scrolled through 75 76 77 78 et al but again to no avail is it me? or is there a problem with how the select is configured with R406 -


thanks in advance

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Thanks guys for clearing this up - was a bit worried that I had a dodgy select - but its barand new - ie 2 weeks old - the lights work when ive tested them with a battery - think im gonna go with the easier option atm and use a 2 way lever from my analogue controller and then investigate further when its all wired up

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