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Sword and Lance 2020


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Using this forum as an exhibition is a good idea. There won’t be any physical exhibitions for months, if not a year. The only thing you can’t do on an online forum exhibition, is that you can’t take your own pictures of the display and you can’t get closer up to admire the model / models, or the display itself. That’s only a small nitpick though, as a forum exhibition is better than nothing.


GNR-Gordon-4 (AF)

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I believe pictures of none Airfix branded kits, can be posted on this forum, Rocket Ron. Please read this bullet point copy and paste in this post, in the pink quotation box, of the Airfix Forum Rules:



Discussion of other plastic model kit manufacturers is allowed, however, active promotion or advertising of our competitors is not permitted.


GNR-Gordon-4 (AF)

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I believe pictures of none Airfix branded kits, can be posted on this forum, Rocket Ron. 


Admin have previously blocked images of non-Airfix models. Whether or not that still holds under the current circumstances is down to admin, but as things stand images of non-Airfix products are not likely to be approved.

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Oh sorry, perhaps I was wrong then. Why is that then?


Over at the Hornby Forum, they allow images of none Hornby model railways to be posted and as I assume the Airfix Forum is run by the same admin team, why do they allow images of none own home branded products on one forum to another?


GNR-Gordon-4 (AF)

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I have previously posted images of Non-Airfix products, aircraft etc without issue as they were for general comparison and discussion. Look at my Ju88 build thread for example? So long as you don't advertise or promote the said product you will be acting within the guidelines.


I don't see any problem in having an exhibit on the forum, other than having a moderator to moderate all these photo's? 

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Only admin can approve images, community mods don't have that privilege. I have asked for clarification, but  probably the easiest way to find out is to start putting up images for posting, so if anybody wants to start a gallery thread, away you go.

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Some time ago I put up a picture of a Stratojet I'd built. I didn't mention the brand, but the picture was taken down. I wasn't promoting Haswgawa, I was just showing what I'd built. Maybe things will change if/when we get a new Administrator. The current approver of pictures doesn't seem to know the Airfix product range - I had to hide 5 spam posts advertising some cottage industry promoting their latest AFV last week.

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@ PB


I am aware that Comm Mods can't moderate the photos of us mere minions


Oh yes we can! We can't approve images, but we can hide them - see Ratch's post above. 

That would seem a correct use of the Community Moderators addition powers, well done!!

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