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Please forgive my possible ignorance hear, but can ayone tell me what these are and/or are supposed to do?

They are on a Hornby Tornado that runs very well and very smoothly but nothing else happens, I cannot see any 'DC' markings on the units and the black one has connectors it seems for something else to be added, I wonder too if the blue one is on the correct way around as it seems omni-directional and it is very diffcult to get at the retaining screw .. 

Help, information and advice greatly appreciated


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This is a Guagemaster DCC decoder.


It has the facility to be used in two ways.


The wires attached by the white plug link to an 8-pin plug.


This is used in applications where the Locomotive is fitted with the standard 8-pin socket.


The multi hole connection the other end of the decoder are to be used in applications where the Locomotive is fitted with a 21-pin socket.

In this case, the white plug and wires to the 8-pin plug would be removed, as they are not needed.


Your Locomotive is fitted with an 8-pin socket for DCC use.


This is the part the 8-pin plug from the Gaugemaster decoder is plugged into.


Nothing needs to be done if you are happy with how the Locomotive runs.


If required, the decoder could be unplugged from the 8-pin socket.

It would, however, have to be replaced by a 8-pin "blanking plug".


This is a small circuit board that links certain connections in the socket, allowing current to flow from the pick up wheels to the Motor, and back to the other pick up wheels.


The Locomotive will NOT run without either a decoder, or a blanking plug being plugged into the 8-pin socket.


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It is presumed you are running Tornado on an analogue (DC) operated layout. If you were running a digitsl (DCC) layout then you would likely recognise a decoder. You loco will happily run on DC but may require a bit more throttle to get going as the decoder has to boot up as power is applied, and recognise that it is running on DC. This is normal.

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