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Points/surface point motors

Paul B1707821924

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OK guys me again with another problem - got all my track sorted plenty of power but now trying to fix the surface point motors to the points so the all work via the Select (working with 4amp transformer).  have 2 new R8247 point decoders programmed to work the points and when detached from the points themselves work fine with a firm click. All the points are new - when I connect the motor to the point they work one way only - and only part work the other.  So I tried swapping the motor to the other side of the point and it agains works only one way - but this tiume the opposite way ie if the motor is on the outside of the point it pushes the rod across but wont pull it back - if I swop it over and put the motor on the opposite side it pulls it in but wont push it out - so it seems that the point motor works - ie it goes both ways ok - but the point seems to be sticking on one side - so I tried the various motors on different points with the same consequence - the point always seems to stick on the same side - so having a spare set of points I tried to push down the little clip inside of the point where the rail clicks in - again same result - so tried this with 4 different motors and 5 sets of points. The points are mounted onto board with guagemaster ballast sheet underlay - so tried putting a piece of slippy card underneath to reduce friction - however same results also tried trimming off a piece of the point stem so it clears the housing of the point motor - also cut a recess in the point motor to allow for extra clearance of the little stem on the point - non of this works so -  Im now out of ideas now - anyone got anything else I can do?

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It may be that you are over-tightening the mounting screws on the R8243 surface point motors. It is a known fact that over-tightening the screws causes the soft iron core slug inside the point motor to stick.


The mounting screws should be slackened off a bit, so that you can just detect some movement in the point motor housing (case) using your fingers.


There also must not be any difference in mounting height between the point and the R8243 point motor. The motor must be perfectly flat and level with the bottom of the point. If you have put some form of underlay under the track, then the underlay must extend under the point motor as well.


Another reason for a point motor (any solenoid point motor) to only operate in one direction is mis-wiring. If using the R8243 point motor, the Black wire is the wire that connects to the R8247 C Terminal. The Red wire typically goes to the + terminal, leaving the Green wire on the - terminal. The PECO wiring puts the Green wire on the C terminal. This sometimes ends up with 'users' mis-wiring (reversing) the Green and Black wires on their layout.


Remember Hornby use Black for common on points, but to really confuse 'users', Hornby use the Green wire as common on their R406 signals.......no rhyme or reason to this. To further confuse, PECO use Green as common on the points. If the Hornby point operates the wrong way, then reverse the Red & Green wires on the R8247 + & - terminals


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yeah thanks all the points work so no wiring problems as I said when the PMs are off the trak ie hand held then click clack P6 P5 on the select no problem the  PMs are on the same level as the point everything is wired properly and as I said when disconnected from the point work fine - my question was mainly directed to the point not working properly as the motor works both ways when placed on opposite sides of the point but with conradictory results ie on one side it pushes but doesnt pull and then pulls but doesnt push so the motor works - as I said all the points are new straight out of box but seems like they dont wont to go one particular way only tried it on 4 of the points in my layout as they are the ones close to me and swapped them around - but with still same results - its a pain as all this should just work without the hassle and spent 4 hours today trying to get 4 points and motors to work cheers

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You haven't commented on the screw tightness suggestion.

Ive finally after about 3 hours persevering had to put small piece of card under PM and then managed to get one PM working both ways after the screww tightening/ loosening - so think I just need to persevere now with the others probs take me less time for the others hopefully now I seem to have a success cheers

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