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TTS Mystery

Ard Lochan

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Among my collection of Flying Scotsman 3 of which are fitted with TTS, The wartime black and the Tour of Australia,  When I acctivate the sound on one of themboth play the same selected sound, Both have different DCC codes and I have tried reprogramming to no avail. Anyone have any ideas?, Regards, Ard

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I wonder if your original addresses were emulating a problem seen before once described as complimentary addresses whereby a point address that was a factor of X with regard to another point address would see the complimentary point fire when the primary address was selected.


You might like to try giving the errant loco a different four digit label. A bit of experimentation may see if there are more of these phenomena amongst loco decoders.


If you can come up with more date then we can maybe get Hornby to investigate if it is a real bug that needs to be fixed.

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I shall look at that to-morrow, Livestock requires attention.

I also have a pair of Virgin Intercity 125`s both with TTS factory fitted, When one is running the other one would sometimes wander off on its own at the same speed as the other, Not a runaway, both, In fact all my loco`s have DC running turned off.One of them is confined to the display cabinet and has been there for some time. I shall fish it out to-morrow and try it out. I am using an NCE Procab 5 amp system if that is any relevance, Regards, Ard

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Hi Ard,


I had a similar issue - but not with TTS decoders.

What was causing the problem for me, was how my layout was configured and wired up. Due to lack of space at home currently and with 2 kids under 5, I don’t have a dedicated room with a layout in at present, just an end to end shunting setup with 4 tracks on a 2m long window seal in the spare room. For ease and because it was a temp setup I used the Hornby clips to electrify all tracks - and didn’t have a dedicated bus feed, just connected at one source on track.

Due to how this was set-up and configured it was causing random actions and conflicts with certain sound decoders - exactly as you have described.    

How is your layout wired up? Do you have a dedicated bus feed and rail droppers? How is the power supply feeding and connected to the track?   It may help diagnosing the issue a little better as I'm not convinced the TTS decoder is the culprit.....  


Kind Regards  


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Chris, for me the mystery is getting deeper with your reply. Ard's problem, now resolved but subject to some further investigation suggested, was that 2 decoders responded to the same spot sound instruction.  The resolution was to change one decoder address, in particular to a long address. 

Are you now telling us that you had the same problem, two decoders responding to the same spot sound request, but it was due, not to the decoders, but to the particular configuration of single track connection and DCC point clips You were using?  And you solved it by changing that configuration?


Or did your decoders display a different problem/s?  And what change to connection configuration did you make to resolve it?


We know that single connection plus DCC point clips is not ideal.  However, we also know that for a lot of people such an arrangement works, at least in the short term if not longer, and works with some reasonably complex layouts.  For me, 4 x 2m tracks and points is within the range of what may work reasonably with a single connection setup.  So again, what went wrong and how did you fix it?


And just a final question Chris - if you had come along with a new thread and asked for help with your problem, there's a high likelihood the first suggestion to be made to you would be, are you sure you are not using a DC track connection instead of DCC?  So might I suggest you check that - flip open the little box between the tracks and check there is no capacitor connected across the rails. If there is, remove it, and please report back.

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