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A Spoiled Illusion

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My apologies as there is no "Off Topic" now.  In the film "The Riddle of the Sands" there is a pleasant depiction of a 1901 branch-line train in North Germany bound for Emden. Quite believable, with its red loco wheels and wooden-clad carriages.

Unhappily, the realism is spoiled by a basic error which escaped the (presumably) Continuity Girl or Editor. Do you notice it  /media/tinymce_upload/d7189c5a5b1eac373b0e02fbc0b4e22f.JPG/media/tinymce_upload/ed440b23e4d59b482180e7b41d7dfaba.JPG?

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Is it not a red loco anymore.


Continuity in films is often marred, e.g. glasses that empty and refill at will, cigarettes that burn up rather than down. One aircraft takes off and another lands. Interiors of houses are much bigger than the outside suggests. Cars going down the same bit of the street over and over. Cars travelling at one speed from inside but a markedly different speed from outside.


My good lady says I ruin films by picking out all the errors, after all it is only a film, not real.

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I must admit I'm guilty as charged for spotting these. No-way I'm as bad as me individual we know who will spend all night pointing out 'plot holes' in films. I just cant get into them in that much detail.


I found an article on the film North West Frontier in one of the Model Railway mags very interesting where it stats there were two separate locos used, one in Spain which was altered slightly to look superficially like the other. At least they made the effort unlike some other films/television programmes I could name. 


One of the best from memory was I think called Gods Wonderful Railway which was a children's series filmed on the SVR and the difference between GWR and LMS locos was part of the story with appropriate coaches used, no 'wartime' storyline with a BR loco pulling Mk1s on that one. 

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There are so many errors and faux pas's to list, when that error is so obvious. 

Like a part of the early soundtrack from Gladiator was 'stolen' from the film Zulu, as the Huns made the same sound as the Zulus banging on their shields with their spears. (Sound travels, but the time frame makes that ridiculous). 😆


'Battle of Britain' had a German pilot flying a Spitfire, 'Battle of Bulge'....far too many to list. 

Thank goodness for 'Mary Poppins'....perfect in every way. 😇 😆

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Could it be the lamp config is for a 'Passenger Express' and the train appears to be a branch configuration. Either that or the lamps are clearly 'on' in the first picture, but look to be 'off' in the second.

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I've spotted the mistake. First image the locomotive is black; The second image the locomotive is green. They clearly are not the same locomotive at all.


It's annoying when they do this to films, as the film production crew are too lazy to film something similar again and use a scene from another film and hope none of the viewers notice!  😆  😉  😀


GNR-Gordon-4 (HF)

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I was thinking it was the number, No.23,(Not in Deustche).  Can't make out the colour from the other photo, very clearly.

           Well spotted, Puffed Out. The German abbreviation is Nr. or nr.   Silly mistake by the Continuity person, Splinters Deason. Also, possibly wrong to mark the buffer beam in this way, as I am not sure the German railways did this, though could not be certain.

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Is it going the wrong way to Emden ?

Good guess. But wrong, I'm afraid. 😀

Ah well maybe next time 

P.S don't use the blue button .the mods throw a wobbly.


Only when folk ignore the advice given not to use the blue button for a long quote or one with pictures in.


My common sense rule is does the reply need the quote for the person being responded to know it is for them and that it concerns their previous post. If so then no need for the blue quote.

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Just for clarity. It is not the use of the 'Blue Button' par say. But when it is used inappropriately to duplicate reams and reams of text unnecessarily and particularly those that contain images, as those in many cases are held back again for admin approval and just delays publication and puts the intended reply out of sequence in the thread. There are no objections to quoting, as long as the quote is relevant. This typically means in many cases just quoting a single sentence and not re-quoting the whole post. The quotes are (in the main) relevant and justifiable in the context of this particular thread.


EDIT - Rob posted whilst I was typing.

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