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re programming R 8216

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Hi All

I am currently rebuilding a new layout and, from a cost basis, wish to re-use and re-program my 5 x R8216. So far no luck using Elite, R 8216  and R8014 motors. I have tried different combinations in case there is a fault on accessory decoders and point motors but motor the will not trip using address 61. When programming as per Elite book there is a click from the decoder light flashes 6 times and clicks again. I am connecting Elite to the point decoder and then attaching wires from the motor to the point decoder and then trying to program.

Secondly I have Railmaster. Should I try to program decoders using this??  

Can anyone help please as its doing my tree in!!

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The R8216 is obsolete and replaced by the R8247 for good reason.


Firstly to program the R8216 you have to use 'Register Mode' when using the Elite. The Elite default programming mode is 'Direct Mode'. So you need to use the Elite manual to initially put the Elite into 'Register (REG) mode' first before you try to program the R8216. Page 27 of the firmware version  1.41 or higher Elite manual refers.


Secondly, the R8216 needs to be pre-charged on the main layout for 2 minutes before you try to program it. This means moving the wires that connect to the R8216 quickly from the TRACK A&B output to the PROG A&B output before the capacitor charge dissipates. So you need to plan ahead so that you know what Elite buttons to press to perform the configuration in a brisk manner. I suggest writing the button sequence down in a list to follow as that will save time. This will be easier to do if the track layout is temporarily disconnected and direct wires are used between the Elite terminals and the R8216 being configured.


Thirdly, this is anecdotal as I have never seen it documented in official Hornby print, but there is some anecdotal evidence on the forum to suggest that a solenoid point motor should be left attached to port 4** during programming.


EDIT: Note** port number updated in an edit, in light of RAF96 post further below in this thread.


Fourthly, not that this affects programming, but it is a further reason for the R8216 being made obsolete. Because it is programmed using REG mode, you cannot read any of its CVs. And additionally its configuration is fixed at a 100 millisecond pulse and cannot be altered, nor is an 'always on' configuration supported.


It may be easier to program using RailMaster. I am led to believe (I have never used a R8216 to be able to offer a guarantee) that RM automatically uses 'REG MODE' when the R8216 is selected in the 'Pull Down' list in the 'Accessory Decoder' configuration screen. Therefore DO NOT use the R8247 pull down list option in RM as this will use 'Direct Mode' programming. If there is no R8216 option in the RM pull down list, then you are stuck using the Elite itself for the programming task in 'REG MODE'.


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Thanks Chris 

Bizzarly I managed to program a decoder using the Select controller and  it threw the point which is a Peco curved point. I made the hole bigger on the point arm and it works fine. I now need to see if elite will change the points. Then check using Railmaster. 

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There is an existing thread where a R8247 decoder was configured using a Select, but the points wouldn't function using RailMaster. In this instance, the Select had version 1.0 firmware and was the reason for this reported issue.


The Solution was that the decoder had to be reprogrammed using RailMaster. You may possibly not need to reprogram using RM, if your Select has got a much later version of firmware installed in it.


Just FYI, the Select doesn't use 'Direct Mode' programming....it uses 'Service Mode' programming.

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You attach the solenoid to port 4 of the decoder. Set the solenoid at mid range then when the decoder has finished programming it will fire, and whichever way it goes will be from the mid point so you will hear it go.

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