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Advice on deregistering elink

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Hi all from sunny and seriously locked down South Africa......

I bought my elink system along with the western master train set end of 2019 and have not managed to get it to work at all, tried it on two different PC's.

I have since given up and reverted to my Digitrax DB150 with DT400 throttle unit.

A friend offered me a wonderful swap deal where he gave me the South African Blue train set with two electric engines as well as the South African Trans-Karoo set also with two electric engines. 

Now, the problem, how do I de-register the e-link software from my computer, from which I have already removed all railmaster files and uninstalled all railmaster software in ordr for him to register the software on his computer?

Any advice will be appreciated.

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Now, the problem, how do I de-register the eLink software from my computer, from which I have already removed all RailMaster files and uninstalled all RailMaster software in order for him to register the software on his computer?


This is impossible to do, because HRMS aggressively and actively police this type of thing on their activation servers to prevent it happening.


It is also specifically stated in the RM manual [page 131] as not being allowed within the terms & conditions of the license [hrMS have even placed it in red text as an important manual statement]- see extract below:




Your friends options are limited. He can find a stockist who might have old stock of RailMaster on CD [R8144] at a cheap price and use the new 'license key' from the CD. Or he can install RM in 'Evaluation Mode' and then perform a 'within' RM application 'Key Purchase' via the 'Help Screen'. The downside of the second option, is that the key purchase within RM will be at the full retail price of £69.95 (price last time I checked).


You and your friend may need to renegotiate your deal to compensate for this new information.


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Particularly as my reply includes an image, using the 'Blue Button' may result in your reply being held back for image approval, even though it is an existing image.


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So, the short answer would have been "It cannot be transfered, go onto the website and buy a new subscription"........ Which is then exactly what I will do on his behalf in order to keep to my side of the swap deal and to get him up-and-running. 


£69.95 at today's conversion rate is about R1645.18 in South African currency, which is still a good deal.

That said, thanks for the advice, I will stick with my Digitrax setup then, I have not had any "licencing" or "agressive policing" issues with it. 

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"It cannot be transfered, go onto the website and buy a new subscription"


Your interpretation of what I wrote is unfortunately not quite correct.


The license can not be purchased on-line 'outside of the RailMaster application' i.e as a web site / web page purchase.


You friend will have to make the purchase via the PC he is going to use to run RailMaster on, using the purchase screen within a previously installed and running copy of RailMaster. I suggest using the 'download' RM version from the 'download' link at the top of the 'RailMaster & Trackmaster' forum.


If you are going to pay for the license, then you will need to give your friend the 'cash' to compensate him for making the purchase himself.


I sense an element of hostility to my original answer. I am not anything to do with Hornby I am just a member of the public, just like you, trying to give guidance and help with a high degree of detail in my considered replies. Yes it is frustrating that RM cannot be passed onto another user, but that policy has got absolutley nothing to do with me. I am just giving guidance on the published license terms of the RM application in answer to the question you raised.

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In addition to what Chris has said, the purchase is also linked to the email address used for the in-app purchase. All these factors are brought into play if ever one wishes to say derigister the app to move it onto another PC within your ownership maybe because the old PC died.

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On the basis that you are unable to part with your e-link and RailMaster due the reasons explained above, could I suggest that you check out this RailMaster section of the Forum because there is a lot of information about getting RailMaster up and running.

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