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Adding DCC Chip to 0-4-0 Engine


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I have just received my Hornby Club locomotive plus a dcc chipthat  I ordered. I had intended to try and fit it myself. On receiving the loco plus chip, I discovered that there is  some soldering that needs to be done. As someone who is totally hamfisted and inept at doing such things - and not having any soldering equipment anyhow, I was wondering if anyone can recommend a shop/group to whom I can send the items to have the dcc chip fitted (against payment of course). Currently I am self isolating and not allowed out of the house for at least another 6 weeks and the shops where I have taken locos  in the past are currently also all closed so I need a company that I can post the items to for fitting. Any suggestions with contact details would be most welcome. 

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Use Google ... I did a quick search on "DCC Decoder Fitting Service" and got these hits.


Note however, that most mail order fitters want to provide their own decoders that they are happy with if they are going to underwrite the installation with a Warranty. Finding a fitter to install the decoder you provide may be a little harder.

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If it is mail order then there is no issue, you can always spray it with alcohol solution. I do find it a bit weird that you are having to solder a DCC decoder into a new loco, they are generally all socketted. Even the ones of my own that I convert to DCC, I always add a socket, it means you can upgrade the decoder in the future if a better one becomes available.

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That is obviously last years model hb, is there the same room this year.

Well spotted, RDS..........had a touch of Lockdown brainfade & picked wrong picture..... 😳....this year's model looks like this inside with Hornby 4 pin decoder fitted........HB



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Can I say a few words having tamed a few of these chassis/locos with DCC,  chose a decoder for fitment that enables start volts (CV2) and Top volts (CV 5) to be ammended CV 5 probable the more important for reducing top speed.

Gradually change the value of CV5 till you are happy with the max speed the loco runs at, a lower No gives a slower speed. You may find that on CV29 when the speed steps are set to 128 that it may judder at very slow speed if thats a problem change speed steps to 28.

If you should mess the settings up you can always reset thet decoder to original setting and start again.

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