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R8243 Surface Mount Solenoid Point Motor Modification


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I have posted this in DCC for now as that is my primary use for these motors and this is just a heads up post before I get round to writing it up fully staged with edited pictures, etc and posting onto my web site.


I do not like the flimsy wires provided with this device so I looked at a better way of connecting them.


In essence the modification is to desolder the existing wires and solder in some header pins so that I can use more appropriate gauge wire soldered to a detachable header socket.


First dismantle the device and unsolder the existing wires. Ease the PCB out of its slot for better access when soldering.


Trim the area around where the wires exited from the case and take a little off the PCB slot.


Caution: Don't lose the little crank arm and don't break the fragile lugs that hold the metal plate on the underside.


Dogleg the three header pins to match the triangular PCB holes and use the header socket as an alignment guide whilst soldering them to the PCB. Slip the PCB back into its slot.


Test it all still works and reassemble, remembering to refit the little crank arm that fell out earlier and taking care not to break the little clips holding the baseplate on.


Solder your points switch or acc decoder wires to the header socket pins and jobs done. Now you can install the motor without having to fiddle with splicing in wires, then run your points wriing to suit and solder to the header sockets. Centre pin is common and the others are left and right same as an accessory decoder port.


Only a dozen or so more of these to do.



The job was made easier with a replacemnt for my trusty fine tipped Antex 15W soldering iron, that had finally burnt out after donkey's years of abuse. Ordered from RS On-Line yesterday after tea and it arrived first post this morning - excellent service by RS and Royal Mail..


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I only have to look at a Hornby point motor and a wire falls off and if you purchase a new one they wrap the wires around each other and fasten them with a piece of wire that is almost impossible to undo. If they weren't so expensive I would replace my 21 motors with the pl-11 ones with longer thicker wires and a more reliable action. 

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