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Zimo MX 645R and Railmaster

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My Railmaster with the latest revision will not read any CVs from a loco installed with a Zimo 645R. I'm therefore unable to change anything in that programming window. It does not identify the make or type. I'm new to digital control so any help would be much appreciated. All other locos fitted with Hornby decoders are readable. Thanks.

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Is it listed in the drop down seen by double clicking CV7. Or it could be right click - I can never remember which.


Just because you can’t read a value does not mean you can’t write a new value. The two operations are stand alone. Just input the new value and click the write icon (its a pencil on my screen).

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Regarding Rob's reply ..... CV7 is a 'double click'.


Just stating the obvious, but as you haven't specifically confirmed this. I take it that you have placed the loco on a programming track piece that is directly connected to the 'PROG A&B' output of the controller used with RailMaster (again you haven't said which one ... eLink or Elite).


And that you are using the DCC versions of the Hornby Power Track or DCC Track Power Clip [R8241 or R8242] and you are not using the DC Analogue versions [R8206 or R602]. If you are using the DC Analogue track connections these will cause CV reading / writing / control issues with DCC decoders.


Something else you have not totally confirmed with clarity. Is it only the loco with the ZIMO decoder fitted that you are having CV reading / writing issues with. Do other locos configure and run all OK. If they do, it is helpful to tell us this, as it tells us that you are probably using the correct control and programming methodology and that the controller and track are functional at a basic level. Youv'e said you can read other Hornby locos with decoders, but can you change their DCC addresses (write a CV) and operate them on the main track.


It is all well and good telling us in the original question what is not working, but it is equally important to tell us what is working OK too, so that possible causes can be logically eliminated.


Assuming that the Zimo decoder is brand new and still factory default. It will in that case have DCC Address 003.


So the first thing to do, is to see if you can control the loco on the main track using that 003 DCC Address. If you can, then that proves that the basic installation of the decoder is OK and that there is electrical continuity between the wheels and the decoder and the decoder and the motor. If this diagnostic test is successful then that will eliminate a wide range of possible fault issues from being present.


If the above diagnostic test is not successful, then try operating the loco on a DC Analogue power source. If that too is unsuccessful, then the indications are that either the decoder is totally faulty or the motor is faulty or there is a break in the electrical continuity between the wheel pickups and decoder or the decoder and the motor.


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Thank you for your replies. The only Zimo on the drop down list is Zimo MX decoder and I have clicked on this but still get error readings on CVs.

The loco is on a programming track connected to PROG A & B on Railmaster E Link.

The programme track has soldered connections

It is the only loco fitted with a Zimo. All other locos configure and run OK. 

I can change DCC addresses, write CVs and operate them.

The loco was bought second hand fitted with the Zimo and came with an address of 2383 but I don't know how to input that 4 digit address.


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To input a long address using the CV list you have to go to the long address calculator at 2mm.org and get the equivalent values for CV 17 and 18 that comprise that long address.

You can just enter the address as a 4-digit number in the loco config screen, but that just lists it in RM, it does not write that to the decoder.

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Try writing 8 to CV8. This will factory reset the decoder and set its address to a short address of 003


To ensure the very best chance of a reset working, forget all about the methods you have tried before and follow this method instead.


  • Put the loco on the 'programming' track.
  • Open the 'Locomotive Settings' screen.
  • Do not select your loco (or any loco for that matter) from the roster list.
  • Go directly to the 'Read/Write' CV screen by clicking the ' i ' icon.
  • Do not click the 'Green' tick to read any CVs
  • Write a value of 8 in the value box of CV8
  • Click the 'Pen' write CV icon.
  • Allow sufficient time for the writing process attempt to complete.


Now place the loco on the main track.


  • Now in the 'Locomotive Settings' screen add your loco again to the roster, but give it the address 003 ... save settings and exit.
  • Now see if your loco responds to the 003 address.
  • If it does, then put the loco back on the programming track and re-address to the DCC address you want to use.
  • If it still doesn't function, replace the Zimo decoder with a different one and start again.


The loco was bought second hand fitted with the Zimo and came with an address of 2383 ........


If the Zimo was purchased as part of the second-hand loco and the 2383 address has already been set in the decoder by the previous owner. Then you don't need to go through the CV Reading & Writing process to start using the loco with that address. The CV Reading / Writing screen is only used if you want to change something to something different.


......I don't know how to input that 4 digit address.


In the 'Locomotive Settings' screen with your locomotive listed in the loco list selected, you only have to enter the 2383 value into the Loco ID box and click the green 'Save' tick... see below






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... but as stated that only saves that loco and address into RM, it does not write the long address to the decoder. That has to be done on the programming track. There should be a dialogue pop up warning to that effect.

...safest way is as Chris says - reset back to default square 1 - short address of 3 and long address (even though it isn’t actually a long address) of 100 (CV17/18 values 192/100).


PS - this is all from memory on the iPad. Check it out for real in RM or RTFM.

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Note: Addendum to my last reply.


If after a successful reset to factory default 003 address, you should want to configure a new 'long address' [any address above 127 is a 'long address']. Then you don't need to be too concerned about CV17 / 18. There is an easier method. Click the 'loco' icon [the one between the 'waste basket' and the ' i ' in the screen capture above]. This will open a 'Write DCC Address to loco' dialogue box. If you enter a long address number in this box, RailMaster will automatically adjust the values of CV17, 18 & 29 accordingly as required.

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For the benefit of others that follow. Can you specify what you did to rectify your issue. Several different suggestions have been made in the duration of this thread. Which ones did you use and find successful.

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Thank you.

There were two different methodologies described in that post. How to reset an unknown decoder and the second half was how to control a loco with a long address. I assume it was the first half regarding 'factory reset' that you are referring to.

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