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ESU SwitchPilot with Hornby X404 Motors

Guest Chrissaf

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The ESU SwitchPilot has some very well known and forum documented issues. Firstly the design of the ESU SP does not have an integrated CDU. So trying to use just the DCC supply power on its own, just won't work at all with any current hungry Solenoid point motors.


The ESU SP does however have support for an external PSU option that can be used to operate the point solenoids. This external PSU option works best with a high voltage & high current PSU. The type of supply that has consistently been proven to offer robust solenoid operation is the use of an ex Laptop 19 volts DC PSU capable of 4 AMPs or better. Power supplies with these specifications are plentiful on the likes of eBay. But do be a little cautious as very cheap Chinese clone Laptop supplies can have a tendency to have fire risk safety issues. So don't go for the absolute cheapest one and preferably one with a brand name you recognise.


However, given your other comments about these obsolete X404 motors vs your Roco points. I wonder if you might be better of finding an alternative point motor to the X404.

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Apologies for firing up an old thread but the subject is close to my issues trying to get a couple of X404 motors to drive a couple of Hornby surface points (points opertae with no load but once to rotating lever pivot) will not operate the point. The switchblades are free abut I have left the overcentre springs in place as the X404 has no hard finish after throwing. I am using ESU Switchpilot which acc to their spec have 4x 1.5a transistor outlets. I have also now connected now connected a Hornby HM2000 16V unregulated output to the seperate PwA and B conns but as the HM spec shows an 800mA shared output, I still dont think its enough (I started out using the direct track feed from my EcOs 50200 of 4A but with a big layout, it isnt throwing them. I guess my final solution is to find a 16V AC 4A independent supply and try one last time. It is v odd as the Ecos/Switchpilot is throwing all my Roco points with similar slider solenoid coils BUT the baldes dont have any overcentre spring...Any comments greatly appreciated as it's just these 2 motors causing the problem and they have to be surface mount as there are beams under the point locations. Thanks

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I have moved your post here to a dedicated and appropriate thread because it was not a continuation of the original DC Analogue thread you resurrected, and your query is actually a DCC one.

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The point motor does not have to be immediately in contact with the point, if there is no room. Use a wire push-rod from the motor 'slikder' to the point tie-bar.

The motor can then be hidden in a lineside building - or under the 'mountain' etc.

I put photo's on here, ages ago, showinghow to do this.

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Thanks for both comprehensive replies. My main issue is incredibly tight space which thse 2x X404 will solve. I have 2x them working on a DC (dont ask - it's an evolution) part of my layout however they are fed by a CDU unit and conseqently, as you imply, work correctly. Your confirmation on this has no led me to looking to source a DCC Concepts decoder with built in CDU. I can then move onto powering up the Fleischmann turnouts on my German DCC section but having gone through this will use a dedicated power supply into the ESU SP's. Thanks again

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Paul, like you I found the Track Voltage totally inadequate to operate the ESU Decoder, however, it works very well with an external Power Supply.  In my case I used an ex Sony Laptop unit giving 19.5v 3.3A.

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