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Ecos....TTS.....still an issue?


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Recently bought a Earl of StGermans with TTS installed and have an Ecos 50200 controller with the latest updates, trying to program the TTS on the prog track is a nightmare, 128 steps as required, first programmed to reverse direction after which the Loco only moves in revesrse regardless of controller, cancel reverse programme and all is fine again, then tried to adjust the starting delay CV201 reads fine as default 25 and appears to write a new setting (50) but when reading again it is still at 25.......no other decoder has ever given problems programming on Ecos.......quite annoying as I notice this might be a very long running issue.

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Can you read CV7 and CV159 as this will give the actual mod state of the decoder which will help Hornby investigate.

ECOS is one of several males of controller used by Hornby to test compatibility of TTS decoders with alien kit.

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Further to my questions above, do you have any other TTS decoders. If yes are they factory fit or retro market kit TTS decoders and are they playing nice with the ECOS.

The important thing is reading those CVs above for this particular decoder if you can.

Do you have access to another controller (shop, friend, club) to check if the decoder will reset and/or read those CVs.

Failing that its back to the retailer for repair/replacement or if that is not possible then contact Hornby for warranty support.

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