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Accessory Decoder R8247 Version 2


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Just programmed and connected my first PAD. Suprise supprise it does not work. Programmed as per Hornby instructions no problem. Read back all addresses no problem. Connect the four points to the PAD select a point address no problem but no output (point does not switch). Disconnect a point from the PAD and connect my points tester, point switches. try all the others with points tester all ok. Start from beginning with PAD still does not output to points. It appears to me at this juncture that there is either no output or a wrong output. Surely if the default cvs needed setting the instuctions should say so.

I will await any comments that might help from you guys before I venture further into the DCC maze.

All help most welcome, I have five PADS to set up.

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I will assume you are using an Elite at the latest firmware revision to program the PADs as you say you have read back the addresses. If not which controller are you using and what is its revision state. If using RM and an eLink this post will be moved over to that section later.


I take it you have read the advanced use instructions for the V2.0 PAD. The following outlines basic address programming, not the advanced stuff.


Each PAD has to be the only thing connected to the Programming (PROG) output of the Elite. Later once initially addressed, many PAD characteristics can be altered using PoM (programming on the main).


Writing value 8 to CV8 will reset the PAD to defaults:

Group (module number) address will be 1 and port addresses will be 1 to 4. Output will be pulse at 100mS, which is OK for solenoid motors.

CV33 will be default value 0 which will invoke Standard Mode i.e. the same basic operation as the R8247 V1.0 PAD. 


To check the module programs correctly connect a solenoid to port 4 before you start. Place the solenoid slug to mid position. When the module has programmed correctly the port will fire the solenoid one way or the other. As it is mid position it will always move as an indicator.


Connect PAD to the main track and confirm each address works.


Connect the second PAD to Elite PROG output, again with a solenoid on port 4.

This time give the module address 5, which will allocate port addresses 5 to 8. Elite will convert this address into Group address 2.


Continue in this fashion until all PADs are addressed...

Port address 9 - Group 3,

Port address 13 - Group 4,



If you need to use the Special Modes then further advice can be given.


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Hi again RAF96

thanks for getting back. I am absorbing your reply and will be in touch when I have 'sorted a few things'.

I am using ELITE but this was purchased in 2011 so I am currently looking at firmware update.


I built a layout in 2010/11 with digital loco control and analogue points etc. The 'LockDown' has prompted a new and final layout fully digital. I have RM and E-Link for future developement but intially I decided to just use ELITE and keep it simple. I am not an expert on DCC so am on a learning curve.

So right this minute I am hoping to update ELITE Firmware. (one step at a time)

I'll be back.

Thanks again

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These old threads might help with updating the Elite firmware:


Updating Elite firmware (written for ver 1.43 but still the same for the current 1.45)



Alternative Elite firmware update method if documented method fails [see reply by Peter Rowney].



Note: The Windows PC driver that you will need to install for the Elite (required to perform the update) will be the same driver used for RailMaster with either eLink or Elite. So a good idea to perform the Elite firmware upgrade on the same PC you intend to run RM on to make the PC RM ready.


Personally, after you have updated the Elite. I would run that with RailMaster rather than eLink ... my personal choice ... that does give you the option to use the eLink as Controller B dedicated to just operating points, but personally I would keep it simple and use the Elite as the one and only controller and relegate the eLink to the bottom drawer as a spare.

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As Chris says for now set RM up with Elite as sole controller, then later if and when you want intro eLink as Cont B there is a handy utility by St1ngR4y which will change all the RM points controller designations from A to B for you without having to do them one by one.

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Good to hear that both events went well.

If you need more steerage with the seemingly endless and over complex v2..0 options then come back. I have a reasonable grasp of the beast having tested it to death.


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Download the manual for the V2 R8247 and research it yourself. Saves us 're-inventing the wheel' and duplicating information that is already published.



[scroll down the page that opens and look for the entry in the list reproduced in the image below]


Note the comment about the manual being good for the V1 as well as the V2 version. So the manual once downloaded and read will make it easier to highlight the differences between the two.



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