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Fitting a TTS DCC


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Hi all,

I'm sure there's lots of threads regarding this subject however I cant find any related to my specific conundrum.

I wish to eventually fit my Class A3 4-6-2 4472 "Flying Scotsman" in LNER green from set R1167 with a R8106 TTS DCC decoder, all the video's I've seen the 8 pin chip is located in the tender where I'm assuming there is ample space for the chips and speakers etc.

Is it possible to fit these types of decoders into a loco where the 8 pin chip is located in the engine and not the tender itself?

Would it require some sort of custom wire setup in regards to running the speaker wires between the engine and tender?


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Hi - I am not an expert on this, and one will be along. I believe this loco is not DCC Ready - I can see know mention on the box, this would mean heard wiring the decoder - not a serious problem. The sound decoder are a little larger than the normal decoders, so assuming there is space in the locomotive it might fit. The speaker is only attached with two wires, which again, assuming there is room, the wires could be extended to the tender. However, some (most!) of the new "sugarcube" speakers are better than the standard Hornby fitment, and you may find there is room at the front of the loco to fit the speaker (in the smokebox). Sorry not a lot of help to you, but I'm sure someone (RAF96) will be able to give you "chapter and verse" on this job. BB

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Hi - I just checked the 2017 Catalogue and I can see the DCC Ready logo. I think it will be a case of once the plug goes into the socket, will there be room in the loco for the decoder? As the model is fairly recent, there may be room and fittings in the tender for the speaker - Hornby have made a TTS Flying Scotsman Set - so it may all fit. Sorry to many assumptions on my part - we need someone to come along who has done this fitment. BB


Have you seen this? - 

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This is the FS with the top off.........plenty of room for a basic decoder........I haven't tried to install a TTS with sugarcube yet but looks feasible if the speaker goes under the chimney...........HB



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Thanks guys its sounding promising if I look to replace the the circular speaker with a sugarcube one.

@bulleidboy, I've seen video's like that before but they all only show tender fittings.

@howbiman, thanks for the screenshot of your DCC chip installed on your FS, hopefully we might both one day get a TTS chip in there with a sugarcube speaker under the chimney.....

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One of the problems is that there are, certainly in Flying Scotsman case, numerous versions. I have three - one from the R1039 Set (similar to yours), but it's tender drive with traction tyres, and bought nearly twenty years ago, R2441 NRM model, which Tony Wright in Railway Modeller said it was the best ready to run model he'd ever seen - it's DCC Ready (in the loco)  and R3443 NRM model in Brunswick green - which I also bought the TTS kit for, and I'm pretty certain everything for DCC goes into the tender. So a real mish-mash of fitting variations. 

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....I get in the future, I'll make sure they're tender driven....


Just a correction.


Steam locos that are TTS ready are not Tender Driven. They are Loco Driven, but the TTS Decoder and the TTS Speaker go in the Tender. There is a 4 way wired JST plug (white) that connects the Tender to the Loco. It is these 4 wires that connect the decoder to the loco.


It is the presence of this 4 way plug and socket arrangements that is the easy indicator as to whether the loco is Sound ready or not. However, just be aware that not all locos with this 4 way connector arrangement have the correct mounting for the TTS round speaker. Some do, but not all. It depends upon the 'release to market' date. Only the later ones have the correct TTS speaker mount, but this does not stop a non TTS speaker being fitted instead.




If you do purchase any locos with the above 4 way connector, then I advise strongly that you also purchase the official Hornby X6468 'Plug Extractor Tool' to prevent the delicate wires being broken.




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It sounds like you have it sorted anyway. Usually the biggest issue is getting the TTS decoder and speaker to fit, but as you say if you fit a sugar cube speaker you should be ok.On later DCC Hornby locos the DCC socket is in the tender which unless you want to do a lot of wiring changes, you have to put it in the tender, but in your case you are OK. My Tornedo was like that.

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Available from many model railway sources under several names. ESU, Zimo, etc. Easily found with Google or by looking in any model railway magazine.

To find the size you need you have to do a survey of your model to see what space is available.

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PS - TTS speakers must be a minimum 8 Ohm impedence and minimum 1 watt power rating. Going higher than these values is OK, but do not go too high on the Ohm value [i.e 50 - 100 Ohm] as volume will suffer as a result.

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