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Unable to program accessory decoders with Elite controller


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Hello all,

I am trying to program Hornby Accessory decoders but the Elite will not write the new address. 

All I have is my Elite controller wired direct to the decoder, not thru any bus / track. When I enter the new primary address (I am following the instruction in book that come with elite) The red light on the front of the controller only flashes twice. When I try and read the address I get XXX. I have also tried the programming from Railmaster with the same result.

I am testing the new address by wiring a point motor to the #1 outlet and then selecting the new address on the Elite (and changing the wiring to "track" on the controller) The only address that works is the default address of 1. From inside Railmaster when I try to read the decoder I get 6629 as the first Output Port Number. I thought this would the the address of the port i.e. 1.

I am pretty sure it is not the decoders as I have tried 8 of them and the result for all is the same. Even a new 2.0 decoder does the same thing.

Do I have a dead/dying elite controller or could there be another issue.

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When programming a PAD connect a solenoid to port 4 and position the slug to a mid position, then when the device has programmed the solenoid will click over one way or the other as confirmation - hence why putting it on the last port and in mid position.


When  programming direct you will see Loco on screen and you need to twiddle the knob to see Acc on screen. this puts the Elite into accessory programming where it will accept a Port address (1-4, 5-8, 9-12, etc) or a Group address (1, 2, 3, etc) and do the cross calcs for you.


Note - the PAD Version 2.0 manual is applicable to the earlier Version 1.0 device, except for the V2.0 added functionality of course.


Yes RM can read back silly addresses at times and 6629 is an often seen incorrect return. Usually programming an address in RM works fine (V1.0 - I haven’t tried V2.0), as does selecting pulse time or steady output.


If you are still struggling later on I will crank up an Elite with a PAD attached and do a step by step for you.

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I am following the instructions in the manual that came with the Elite.


That section of the Elite manual is extremely poorly written and would even confuse me. I strongly suggest that you follow the instructions in the Elite section of the R8247 manual. I assume that your Accessory Decoders are R8247.


Specifically, the 'Simple Addressing' example using Group Addressing via CV513 ..... see manual extract below:




Just to clarify with regard Steps 7 & 8 in the list above:


Group Address 1 is used to set the R8247 port addresses as 1 to 4

Group Address 2 is used to set the R8247 port addresses as 5 to 8

Group Address 3 is used to set the R8247 port addresses as 9 to 12



Note for info ... To factory reset a R8247 write a value of 8 to CV8

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Hello Gentlemen,

i have tried serveral times to get the accessory decoder (yes it is the Hornby R8247 accessory Decoder) to take a group but to no avail I have followed the instructions supplied with the decoder and also had someone else watch as I followed the instructions. I can only get the Red LED to flash twice on the elite controller. I am pretty sure I have a problem with the controller. I have tried new cables. I have the points motor wired into the 4th port as RAF96 said to do. I can get the Elite controller to mainpulate the points for address 4 which would be the default address. I am trying to create group 2 - address 5-8 but it is just not happening. I actually have 13 decoders to program for my new layout so if need be I will have to purchase a new controller.

I can't send the controller back to Hornby even if they would accept it as I live in Australia. And the cost and time would make it cheaper to buy a new one

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Dont think its the controller. Have a look at ASD8, now i think has another name, at DCC concepts.  I have 3 of these 8 outlet accessory decoders, and they bare a doddle. Dont like or use the others. They do 2,4, and 8. You could try the 2 one first. Much cheaper than ditching your Elite. I run all mine through Elite, and Railmaster.

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To prove the Elite PROG output is working can you read back a loco decoder address or Manuf ID, etc.


If so then it must be the mechanics of the R8247 programming that is at fault not the Elite Programming output.


Try this method:

1. connect an R8247 direct to the Elite Prog output with main track disconnected. Keep the solenoid attached to port 4 as our indicator.

2. Write value 8 to CV8 to reset the module. This will make it group 1 port addresses 1-4.

3. Write a group address to CV1. Make this anything other than 1, so that we know it is programming and not just assuming the default.

4. connect to the Elite Track output and send a port 4 address matching the group number you gave it ( G2 = 5-8, G3 = 9-12, etc). Does it work with the attached solenoid.

To accord with NMRA you can write this group address to CV513 but CV1 is OK for now.

If the above works, then repeat for all other modules.


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I have been using the method you have suggested RAF96 on every occassion that I have tried to write a new group / starting number the decoders. This morning I can't even get the elite to display CV as a programming option. I get Direct, Paged, Reg but no CV.

I have treid reading back a loco address and all i get is XXX. So that is a dead end as well

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I get Direct, Paged, Reg but no CV


You seem to be missing out a step.


Step 2 = When you see 'Direct' on screen .... press controller 1 (left hand knob) .... 'Address' should display.


Step 3 = Now rotate controller 1 until CV is displayed ... press controller 1 to confirm.


For Steps 1 and 4 to 9 refer back to my post above with the manual extract in it.


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