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Version 1.4 Upgrade failure


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Having followed the instructions on upgrading my Elite to version 1.4, I'm left with an apparently dead Elite. When switched on normally I get a brief flash from the display and the greed LED flashes continuously. There is no response to the keys or dials.


I try the power up with finger on the stop button for 15 seconds, then wait 15 seconds before connecting the USB, I now get a comm error. I have tried this with reloaded and reinstalled drivers, and reversion to 1.3, but none of this works. As I have several

XP computers, I have tried them all, including one that has never had the drivers loads.

Is there anything else I can try, Help.
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I too have a very similar issue. I've installed the drivers, and my PC recognizes it when I connect the Elite through the USB as being a Hornby product, however, when I click on the 'Download' button, it just dies, and so I can't update it at this time.
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was it a PC issue in the end or your controller Graskie?
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Well, I ended up sending back to Hornby after two failed attempts with both my PC and laptop!
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Can only say that after one false start with the Elite not recognised after installing drivers, mine upgraded no problem. W7 Ultimate 64 Bit laptop - I scrupulously followed the instructions on this site in the DCC section plus the Readme file that came

with the downloaded upgrade files (the 15 sec delay bit powering and connecting the Elite) and it worked fine.
Then again, a decent upgrade would do nearly all of that stuff itself.
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If you have made 1 attempt at upgrading the Elite from your PC, and it has failed, you need to uninstall the Hornby software from your PC before you have another attempt (the same way as you would uninstall a game or other software in 'all programs') otherwise

it wont work. It is also very important to make sure that when the upgrade software asks you which 'comm port' the elite is connected to, you select the correct one, otherwise the upgrade fails.

I found the instructions on this page are helpful.

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I tried all that and still couldn't get it to work. Perhaps Hornby's instructions have been updated more recently. The only way I finally managed was to contact HCC, and they were excellent. I now have an up-and-running Elite setup, together with RailMaster.
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  • 5 weeks later...
Well I returned the Elite to Hornby, and they replaced the unit at no charge, no idea what happened. New unit has Version 1.41, works fine.

Pretty quick turnaround as well, thanks Hornby.
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Having had some discussions with hornby cust care it is very difficult to brick an elite. in the end all things are possible I suppose. When I have had challenges updating firmware I have always been able to go back to the firmware boot loader

procedure (ie turn on with the red button pushed....)

perhaps worth giving this another go.

OttoIsABear - did you say you have 1.41? I have not heard about this on the forum before.
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  • 2 weeks later...
This is all frightening to a Elite newcomer with limited computer skills. Wow I thought this hobby was supposed to be a pleasure.

I have on 10/06/2012 purchased and received a brand new Elite v1.3 from a retail outlet too replace my Select unit,

and I am now frightened to try to upgrade it to v1.4 at all, having read all this.

I sent Hornby an email and they replied saying that I could send it back to them with a note and they would do the upgrade for me and then return it to me. Fair enough

and I have always found them to be very helpful.

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There must be thousands of Elites out there and all you hear about here are the few where people had trouble. I can't imagine HCC is updating them all. Mine worked on the second attempt just by following instructions including the readme file in the download.
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welcome to the forum!

The world of dcc is a bit jargon-laden and this can be a bit daunting at first. Have a go and you will quickly develop some confidence.

The forum is a great source of ideas and assistance and as you have

found HCC is very helpful. We look forward to you being able to contribute ideas and advice as your dcc experience grows!

I understand that all upgrades / repairs at hornby will result in your controller being returned with 1.41. I am sure Hornby will

publish some info soon on what 1.41 does compared to 1.4.

wrt the 1.4 upgrade there have been some long discussions with upgrading using a win7 pc. I had a chat with hornby and they advised that they are happy to upgrade fw if customer would like this

(please don't swamp them with hundreds of units:-)) but also pointed out that very few had needed to take up this offer.

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I purchased my Elite 3 weeks ago. I too have just returned it for upgrading to 1.4 as it proved impossible to complete myself due to error messages. It was returned with 1.41 within a week. I suppose the question is now, will I be able to carry out further

software upgrades myself from the internet or will I always have to return it to Hornby ?
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Hi All
I have just tried to upgrade my elite to 1.4 after following hornby's instructions and this failed leaveing me with a non working elite.
I have sent a email to HCC and I am awaiting a answer.
My gripe is all playing computer games for years

upgrades are very easy and cause no problems why can't hornby's software and firmware upgrades be the same.
If they fail the machine should reset to factory settings.
their is something wrong in the state of denmark as the old saying go's.
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Did you follow these instructions posted by Hornby Customer Care a while ago.
Hornby Elite Firmware Update V1.4

Elite firmware update: the update procedure has up to 3 stages

- Procedure 1: Download of the update zip file


Procedure 2: Installation of the Elite PC Driver software. If you have updated the Elite before from this PC or are running Hornby RailMaster control software, you will not need to carry out procedure 2.

- Procedure 3: The Elite firmware update

The procedures described have been checked on both 32bit and 64bit Windows 7 operating systems.

Procedure 1: Download of the update zip file. Download the update zip file (Elite V1.4 Update.zip) from the Hornby web-site.

Save the file in either

the default “Downloads” folder under in your “My Documents” folder or for convenience save it to the Windows Desktop. Once downloaded, Right Click the file and select the “extract all” option from the drop down menu. Left Click this option to start the “unzip”


You will now have a new folder on the Windows Desktop called “Elite V1.4 Update”. To avoid confusion we suggest deleting the original download file now. If the folder did not open automatically, please double Left Click it now to open it.

When the folder is open, you will see another folder within it; with the same name this is the actual update folder. Please double Left Click it to open it.

If you have never connected the Elite to this PC re a previous update, or for use with

Hornby RailMaster you will need to install the Elite drivers in order to proceed with the Elite update process. If you do not need to install the Elite drivers please move straight to Procedure 3.

Procedure 2: Installation of the Elite PC Driver software.

If you have previously used this PC to update the Elite, or have used the PC to run Hornby RailMaster, you can skip this section as the required Drivers are already installed on this PC. If required, please follow the entire procedure below.

1) In

the “Elite V1.4 Update” folder double Left Click the shortcut “Device Manager XP and NT” .. this will start up the “Device Manager” which will be used later in the procedure. If you receive a security message left Click open to continue.

2) Now start

your Elite in “upload mode”. Please follow the procedure below:
Unplug the power lead and the USB cable if connected. Hold the "STOP" button and plug the power cable in, keep holding the "STOP" button for 15 seconds. Release the "STOP" button and wait

for 15 seconds. Plug in the USB cable and wait for 15 seconds.

3) When the Elite is detected, Windows will attempt to install a driver for it.. i.e. in the bottom right of the screen you will see the following message displayed.

4) Now look

at the “Device Manager” window. Note the entry in the list “CDC RS232 Emulation Demo”

5) Right Click the “CDC RS232 Emulation Mode” entry and then Left Click “Update Driver Software” in the drop down menu.

6) The following message will be displayed.

Left Click the bottom option i.e. “Browse my computer for driver software.”

7) The following Windows will appear.. Left Click the “Browse” button. Browse to the folder where you “unzipped” the original download. Left Click the folder “Elite V1.4 Update”.

Left Click the “OK” Button to start the driver install process.

8) You may get the following Message. Left Click the lower option. i.e. “Install this driver software anyway”

9) The driver will now install.

When the driver installation

has finished left Click the “Close” button to complete the driver installation. Now observe the “Device Manager” window. You will see a new entry replacing the “CDC RS232 Emulation Demo” entry i.e. R8214 Hornby Elite (COMx) Please make a note of the COM number.

You will need this in the next stage.

Procedure 3: The firmware update. Start Elite in “upload mode” and Connect to your PC:
Hold the "STOP" button and plug the power cable in, keep holding the "STOP" button for 15 seconds. Release the "STOP"

button and wait for 15 seconds. Plug in the USB cable and wait for 15 seconds.

Note All Users: Windows XP: When running the Elite v1.4 set up ensure that you are logged in as the PC administrator.

Windows Vista and W7: If you are not logged

in as an administrator, Right Click the , In the “Elite V1.4 Update” folder, Right Click the “Elite V1.4 setup.exe” file and select “Run as administrator” from the drop down menu. Start the Update process.. 1, In the “Elite V1.4 Update” folder double Left

Click the file “Elite V1.4 setup.exe”

The following message will be displayed. Left Click the “Run” Button to start the update process. At this stage one of 2 issues could happen:

Issue 1: If the Windows Update system has not updated certain

components of Windows; Windows will attempt to update the Windows .NET Framework component. You will need to do this in order to carry out the Elite update process.

If the PC has not been kept up to date via Windows updates you may be missing the latest

version of .NET Framework. You will need to update this before proceeding. Ensure that your PC is online and connected to the Internet.

After left clicking the “Run” button in the previous step Windows may request that you install the “.NET Framework

4”. Follow the on screen instructions. You will need to “Accept” the “End User Licence Agreement”. Left Click the “Accept” button .NET Framework 4 will then install.

Issue 2: If this PC has been used previously to update the Elite, you will get an

error message.

Left Click the “OK” button. Open the Windows Control panel and uninstall the “Bootloader” via the Add/Remove Programmes feature. Windows 7 users will need to use the “Programmes and Features” tool. Once the “Bootloader” has been uninstalled

you may now restart the Update Procedure.

If the Update Procedure is running correctly you will get a window asking you to install. Left Click the “Install Button” to start the update process. Left Click the “Next” Button.
From the “Port” drop

down list Left Click the COM number noted previously in the “Device Manager” e.g. COM4. Left Click the “Download” Button to start the Elite update process.
As the update process runs the following Window will be displayed showing a “Progress Bar”.Left

Click the “Finish” button to exit the update procedure.

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if you are having difficulties with the upgrade can I suggest that you follow the procedure above very closely and record your results against each step. Please then let Hornby Cust Care have the details of what went wrong at which/each step.


have offered to upgrade units for users who return then to hornby but they also believe that the procedures works OK. if there is a problem in the procedure then your detailed feedback will help to get this addressed.

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Firmware upgrades do not always fix things. They are usually about simple improvements and making a device more compatible with other and newer devices that work in conjunction with them. If I had 1.4 working I would be in no hurry to get 1.41
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  • 2 weeks later...
Same problem here

Brand new elite from Amazon came today running W7 home 64bit update fail

Changed the port speed no good, changed USB port on PC no good, changed USB cable no good

Ran update on a laptop running W7 32bit good as gold


guess Hornby software is not keen on 64bit

Not a good start for my first venture into DCC hope it runs smooth from now
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A lot of us with that specific combination of equipment have had similar problems but, if you check relative threads on this forum, you will see that it is in fact possible to update successfully on a 64 bit platform.
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