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New Airfix kits maybe for the future

Kevin Payne1707820106

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Looking at how Airfix are replacing much of their old aircraft kits with newer and better models, I think it would be safe to say we can see much of the models from older catalogues being done with all the CAD and LIDAR technology we have, the only problem is doing aircraft accurately when they no longer exist, so my short list would be for Airfix models in the next coming years

DH Mosquito 1/72 and 1/48
Short Sunderland 1/72
Lysander 1/72 and 1/48
HP Halifax 1/72
P38 Lightning 1/72 and 1/48
P47 Thunderbolt 1/72 and 1/48
B29 1/72
B-24 1/72
B-26 1/72
Buccaneer 1/48

There are plenty others I am sure, and maybe Airfix might release some less obscure aircraft

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I'm inclined to agree with you, Kevin but, sadly, I think some of those on your list may have missed the boat.  Italeri have produced a 1/72 Sunderland (although I don't know how good it is), and Tamiya's 1/48 P38 Lightning is state of the art.  Tamiya also have a range of Mosquitos in 1/48 (not sure about 1/72), and Dora Wings' new Lysander in 1/72 scale looks superb, although a lower-priced option from Airfix could be feasible, likewise a 1/48 version. 

However, a new P38 in 1/72 is long overdue, as is a B24 - Airfix could have a couple of real winners with those.  Also, the current Airfix 1/48 Hurricane Mk I is easily the best there is - it would be madness not to develop it into a Mk II & corner the market before someone else does.

I'd love a new Halifax in 1/72, along with new tools of the Stirling, Hampden, Battle, Firefly, and Tempest V - the last two also in 1/48.  A new 1/48 Buccaneer would be very popular, going by the number of builds of the 1/72 ones in online groups.  

We can but hope!

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