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Updating an Elite that still uses V1.3 - help


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I have downloaded the current Firmware and instructions to update my Elite to v1.45. Going through the instructions it says to select the COM port from the device manager. My (pretty new) Windows 10 laptop does not have 'Ports COM & LPT' in the drop down menu of the device manager. The instructions make no allowance for this - as far as they are concerned, this is something that I should expect to find.

A quick google suggests that Ports COM & LPT no longer appears in device manager but the sends me into computer geek cyberhell where all sorts of solutions are suggested that I cannot relate to updating the Elite (since they are general forums). 

If anyone can help - in really simple terms - explain what I need to do to identify/select the correct COM port I would appreciate it. Thanks!

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The COM & LPT entry in 'Device Manager' only appears when an appropriate device driver is installed. As it is not listed in your system, you have yet to install the driver for your Elite. The Elite also needs to be connected, and powered up normally with the driver loaded for it to appear listed in 'Device Manager'. The Elite needs the driver to be installed so that the 1.45 updater can communicate with the Elite via the USB port.


Note: If you were to decide to use RailMaster at a later date with your Elite, then this Elite firmware upgrade process will mean that the Elite driver will already be installed on your PC / Laptop 'ready' for RailMaster to use on the same PC.


Follow the 'step by step' guidance for updating the Elite firmware in the linked thread pages below:




The first clickable link in my post above takes you to a 'step by step' tutorial for installing the Elite driver. The second clickable link in my post above takes you to the tutorial for updating the firmware after the driver has been installed.


If you brick the Elite [firmware update fails and Elite stops working] then follow guidance in this alternative thread.


Alternative Elite firmware update method if documented method fails [see reply by Peter Rowney – 2nd post up from the bottom of the page].



A quick google suggests that Ports COM & LPT no longer appears in device manager.


No idea where you got that from.


Below is a screen capture for my own Windows 10 PC, clearly showing the COM & LPT entry. Note that this PC does not have an Elite driver loaded in it, but it still displays the COM & LPT tree branch all the same because COM1 is detected.




Note also, that for entries to populate this COM area of 'Device Manager' not only do their 'drivers' need to be installed, but the devices need to be connected to the PC, powered up and drivers loaded in their normal powered up state. The 'Device Manager' display is dynamic and only displays devices that are present and detected as being connected and powered.

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Thank you - so I am clear, I should put the Elite in programming mode (hold stop button down, plug in and keep stop button depressed for 15 seconds, relase and wait 15 seconds, connect Elite to PC) and THEN see what changes in DM when it is plugged in?


No - you need the Elite in its normal booted up state.

As Chris says you likely need to install the driver for it.

Once it shows in DM then you can make note of the port and set the Elite into Update programming mode.

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The first thing you need to do is unplug the the USB lead going to the Elite. Wait a few minutes and plug it back in. Now check to see if a box pops up saying it has found the driver software, bit like when you plug your phone into the USB socket. I suspect it hasn't found the driver, so the little box will say something like no suitable driver found. If it does find the driver then you can do all the other stuff, that the others are talking about.

It is hasn't found the driver then you going to need to load it. I will let the other two gentlemen explain that to you.

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Colin, given both Chris and Rob have already explained both the driver loading process and the subsequent firmware update process after then getting into update mode, doing as you suggest isn't going to be difficult for them.


In fact, everything, woe to go, is contained in Chris's links, where it's been sitting since the latest boot loader was released some years ago.  Since that time, Chris and Rob have helped any number of people to perform the upload faultlessly. 

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Look Fishmanoz I explained in simple terms how to find if the driver is loaded nothing else. Nothing in the previous text explained that. I take your comment to be unacceptally aggressive, considering if you read it properly I did say that the "other two gentleman wil help you out". So in this instance give it a rest. I was purposely keeping out of this. This is not the first time you have been unduly aggressive to me, the other times I have let it pass. Now Rob has nicely explained the complaints procedure.

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I am not going to dwell on this, I know you are mates but his overal tone is and this is not the first time. Why did he have to say anything. I know you both don't like me, but that is your issue not mine, just leave at that. People quite often say things that are contradictory to what I said, on this occasion if anything I was adding to the text. It is no issue diving into the Windows manager, if the PC has not even reconised the device and believe me it does it quite often especially with Samsung phones. It is something I have learn in last two years just trying to load photos from my phone or camera onto my PC. I will leave it at that. Rob or Chrissaf will probably sort out his issue, which is what this thread is about, not bickering at me.

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Thanks for the replies - I think I have enough to go on to give it a try. 


"A quick google suggests that Ports COM & LPT no longer appears in device manager.

I think I should correct this to say that Ports COM & LPT entry doesn't neccessarily appear by default in Device manager, if the Windows 10 PC has not (yet) required any COM ports to be opened. I had not picked up the issue about the Elite needing to be connected first of all in normal mode order to install the drivers, and I think this then adds the COM & LPT entry in Device Manager. Only posting here in case it helps anyone else......

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I had not picked up the issue about the Elite needing to be connected first of all in normal mode order to install the drivers, and I think this then adds the COM & LPT entry in Device Manager.


Yes absolutely.


If no devices that use a COM or LPT port are ever installed, then that branch of the 'Device Manager' tree doesn't display. Once you connect the Elite normally and power it up. Then 'Plug n Play' should, in theory, detect the presence of the Elite and start the 'driver loading' process. Thereafter, whenever the Elite is connected and powered, then it should display in DM.


As I said in earlier replies, follow my links to my tutorials and you will find 'step by step' guidance supported by 'screen shot captures', for both the 'driver' installation AND the Elite firmware update.


Just one additional bit of info that can be useful. The Elite driver USB 'COM PORT' assignments are not handled very intelligently. So if you suddenly change the USB port that the Elite is plugged into, it is likely that the USB 'COM PORT' number will be changed. This can however be used beneficially if you experience 'driver installation' issues. Using a different USB port can be a useful way to re-trigger a new instance of 'Plug n Play' and start the driver installation process again.


Also to note just for info. Although I personally am not affected by this (my Elite works absolutely fine on my USB 3.0 ports). If you have a choice between USB 2.0 & USB 3.0 ports on your Laptop / PC, then USB 2.0 tends to be a more reliable communication interface on some PC / Laptop hardware with the Elite controller. Again, I am not affected by this, but for some PC / Laptop hardware, COM PORT numbers below 5 can also be more reliable. This below COM5 recommendation is even mentioned somewhere in the Hornby printed documentation. So based upon these recommendations, you are ideally looking for the Elite driver installation to assign either COM3 or COM4 on a USB 2.0 port.

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Colin, my apologies if I came across this way to you, not my intent, will be more careful with my language in future. What I was trying to convey was that, to me at least, complete instructions including loading the driver had already been given by each of Chris and Rob immediately above your post.  Then, again to me, your post implied there was more to be said about that before the firmware could be loaded.


Anyway, it's good to see between the three of you we seem to have another happy customer. 

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