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after trying without avail to find a suitable tunnel i decided to make my own from an old piece of garden drainage pipe simply cut the width of the track out with a multi tool or jigsaw heat with a kettle of boiling water it will bend to anyshape and stay like that i painted mine grey to look like concrete and disguised the other 1 with landscaping and stuck tunnel portals on the end this also stiffens and strenghthens the landscape and you dont need to clean the track as theres no mess stuck on it from modelling i enclose some pics to show how realistic this looks as concrete

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I took your advice. I too, am building a twin train tunnel. I remembered I had a bit of guttering I had used on my pond to carry pipes and wires under the pond. So I fished out the off cut I have had lying in the garage for ages, you are right it fits. I need to jack mine up a bit as the guttering is too shallow, but I think it will work. I can cover it in plaster or what ever to blend in with the scenery. Another advantage is I can probably make it removable if I need to clean the track.

What ever happened to Jimmy's original response? I remember seeing all the tunnels etc.

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JJ has his own topic where he puts all his videos and pictures associated with his ‘layout’, similar to others who have stand alone topics for their layouts. E.g. Me, WTD, The Duke, etc.


Plastic pipe and guttering responds well to reshaping when heated (carefully) by a heat gun. Don’t overdo it or the plastic will shrivel and give off acrid fumes - Elfin Save Me caution wear proper PPE.

I have successfully made my own pipe joins by heating one pipe and pressing it over the mating pipe to form an expanded joint. Drop of solvent weld and jobs done.

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Take my advice and make it removeable because if you get dirty track inside it will difficult to clean and more importantly if you have a derailment in there how do you retrieve it. My tunnel is on a curve is twin track and has four points inside that are for train storage, access required.

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@jimmyjames Yes, I actually commented about your missing posts and your photos, so I am not going mad. As to the tunnel being removable, on my layout I have an elevated section with a town, so underneath there is a tunnel. I build it many years ago, to clean it I tried all the fancy things you buy from Woodland Scenics, in the end I used an ink rubber on a long stick. So yes, I would agree with your advice.

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