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More Railroad Train Packs


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Thank you :). For me I haven't got much money so a lot of the loco's and rolling stock I look at is from the railroad range. The Railroad train packs are great value for money. I already have the GWR Train Pack and will be getting the 08 Shunter Pack as

well. I think they should have another pack with a jinty.
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Hartsocks, before you get the 08 shunter pack please have a think aout it. The loco is horrible, the railroad 08 is one loco i would never buy! Its not a model but a toy, put it next to a normal Hornby 08, or other make 08 and you will see! Look at how

far apart the wheels are for a start!
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A great idea. I recently got the GWR one and thought it was great value and loads of fun. I can see the appeal of these little packs, with an 0-4-0 or 0-6-0 and 3 wagons (or perhaps the 4-wheel coach). Admittedly I prefer to save up and get a train pack

from the main range, but the Railroad ones are hard to say no to. Especially if they did, say, the J83 with 3 LNER wagons.
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You cant see them that much but the EWS wagons in the pics are also railroad! The 08 is not however! Im pretty sure though that the EWS wagons from the railroad range dont actualy exist in real life! Am i right!!
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Cheers, just goes to show deosnt it! Some go to all sorts of extremes to make a layout and their trains realistic! My weathered EWS wagons do look well real, however, they dont exist in real life, so how can they look real!!! I think its called something

like 'modelers license' or something!!!
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Nicely done. Perfect example of what the RR range is all about.
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Thanks guys, thats good to know, im glad you are well off, especialy when some of us have to actualy think about money, in order to keep our family housed and fed. Model railways are a ruxury to me, hence, the last loco i bought was a present for J, about

2 years ago.
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Ive always thought this...if i ever came into money, then i would never shout about it, or rub it in to others. Alot of people who have money might as well live on the moon, as they are that out of touch with the real world, and with normal people, living

in the real world! If they had a day with me, im sure, if they were human, then they would feel the need to do something, or if not, feel ashamed!
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Sorry, folks, and I'm sure PP probably is as well. It's just a sad fact of life that a lot of people end up with more money than they really need in retirement, after a lifetime of struggling to bring up a family when younger with not enough. I was one

of 12 kids in a council house years ago, so I'm speaking from experience. I often saw my mum cry because she had nothing left in her purse and we were hungry. Anyway, time moves on. I'm extremely grateful for my current situation, despite health problems,

and would never want to rub things in, apart from body cream, that is. Just look forward to the future when, despite a so-called "double-dip recession," things will get even better.....again! I've seen it so many times before.
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