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Hornby Class 50 connectors


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I am thinking of buying a second hand Hornby Class 50 loco, probably a Network South East Variety. So it will be the new tooled version not the one derived from the Lima one.  I run DCC so it means I will have to take the body off to fit the decoder. Does anyone know if they all have those "dodgy" connectors that I see so many posts about.

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Are you talking about the springy things that connect the chassis to body for lighting Colin.


If not then I have no idea, but pulling the service sheet, if available, might help.


I hard wired a curly wire by-pass on my Class 56  ones. Nothing but trouble.

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I don't know, perhaps I have got mixed up with class 56. I will go look at the Service Sheet but normally they are not that detailed, but thank you for the information. Quite often you see ones secondhand that have issues with the lights which is what made me wonder.

I have just looked at the Service Sheet and basically it shows a PCB with wires attached, but no mention of connectors, so it isn't much use. I suppose I could google the spare parts listed that might help.

It looks like I have answered the question, there are some photos on the web of the chassis after I searched the only PCB part number listed. It looks like it uses normal connectors, so hopefully not an issue.

Thank you RAF96 I would never of thought of googling the PCB part number, if you hadn't pointed me towards the Service Sheet.

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All 5 of the super detailed ones I have do not have the fragile connectors. For the most part the lights are hard wired on the chassis and not separately in the body. The exceptions are the cab and head code lights. These are connected by contacts on the back of the lighting PCBs to pads on the board in the body and have proved pretty robust. No wiring needs to be "disconnected" to remove the body completely.

Note that there are different main PCBs and there was an early issue with a PCB where layout tracks laid out incorrectly for DCC - there are posts on the forum.

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