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Railmaster lost driver

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The eLink should not really be using COM Port 1, Port 1 is usually reserved for other things in a PC. In an ideal world, the eLink should be using Port 3 or Port 4.


Once you have a stable connection, then you must always use the same physical USB socket on your PC to connect your eLink to. If you move the eLink to another USB socket, the communication link between the eLink and RailMaster normally gets lost.


In order for us to help you, you need to post three screen captures from your RailMaster PC. It is assumed your PC is Windows 7 or 10, if it is XP or Vista please state the Windows version in your next reply.


Then a specific set of meaningful advise can be given. Without the requested screenshots, your issue could be caused by a multitude of things and any advice would have to be generic and not targeted.


The first required screen capture is your 'Windows Device Manager' showing the tree branch highlighted in the green box example below:


Note that the 'Ports (COM & LPT)' branch will not display unless the eLink is connected, powered up and driver loaded. So if this branch does not display and your eLink is connected and powered, then this is the area that needs further diagnostics advice to be given.




The second screen capture required is your RailMaster 'System Settings' screen, again the green box highlights the area of the screen that is of interest in the example below:




Screen capture three. Is a screen capture of your 'railmaster.ini' file. To display your 'railmaster.ini' file contents. Click the bluish COG icon located in the bottom left corner of the RailMaster 'Help Screen' and follow the on-screen prompts.


Posting images is documented in TIP 8 in my TIPs page [see below]. Note that posted images will not appear straight away and are held back for Hornby staff approval. ComMods do not approve images. The Hornby approval may take a day, it may take five, so be patient. Alternatively to save time, you could post your images on an image hosting site and put a clickable link to the images in your reply instead. Posting clickable links is covered by TIP 13.


TIP: As a newbie poster on the forum, just be aware that the 'Blue Button with the White Arrow' is not a 'Reply to this post' button. If you want to reply to any of the posts, scroll down and write your reply in the reply text box at the bottom of the page and click the Green 'Reply' button.


Particularly as my reply includes an image, using the 'Blue Button' may result in your reply being held back for image approval, even though it is an existing image.


See also – further TIPs on how to get the best user experience from this forum. TIPs include 'How to post images' and 'How to make links clickable'.



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There is a picture place holder in the OP which means likely he tried drag and drop to place a picture as opposed to the proper Tip 8 method.


I wondered why a simple one and a half line post only appeared 3 days later!

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Chris is covering all bases with his reply.  Let's try one possibility and see if it works.


For the connection to be made, the port numbers in Device Manager and Systems Settings must be the same and usually both either COM3 or COM4.  If Device Manager (DM) is showing COM1, change it to 3 or 4 (must be a free port and DM will tell you that) then match it in System Settings.  Has that solved the problem?


And just to note Chris's screen captures are just examples.  As shown, they won't work together to make a connection as one is showing COM3 and the other COM4.

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