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Train-Tech Level Crossing Set

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From memory it is servo driven and comes with instructions about placing track sensors which trigger its automatic operation as a train passes. The Train-Tech web site has plenty of help including videos for most of their excellent kit.

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The LC10 [single] and LC10P [Pair] are just the flashing lights and warning alarm sound for a Level Crossing.


Online LC10 Manual


Just for crystal clear clarity and to prevent confusion. The included level crossing barriers [Made and supplied by PECO] are static and are not powered. Thus no Servos' are included with the LC10 coded products. Optionally, the lights and sounds can be triggered by optional track sensors [not included in the LC10 pack], but the controller board is DCC compatible and is 'self learning' for easy configuration [just like all Train-Tech DCC controlled products].


I suggest that you use a RailMaster 'Dual Aspect' Signal Light icon to represent the crossing as the easiest option. But as I see from your post signature you have RailMaster PRO you can create with a little bit more effort your own graphic icon using freely available freeware off the Internet and assign a DCC Address within a 'Program' to the custom icon you create. Instructions can be given for creating a custom icon if required as they have been posted before.


Once you have added the icon to the track-plan and assigned a DCC Address to it, you put the LC10 into DCC Learning Mode using the press button on the LC10 PCB and send the operating DCC Address from the RailMaster track plan icon so that the LC10 can learn its DCC Address.



Should you want a 'Level Crossing & Warning Light' icon to use with your RailMaster PRO but don't want to draw your own. Here is something I knocked up on the quick that you could use. Right click the image and choose 'save file'. It is in GIF 50 x 50 pixel format to suit RailMaster. There is a white fence to the left of the barrier that you can't see due to the white page background, but should show up against the darker track plan background.



This is the same image but cropped to 49 x 33 pixels. This should also work in RailMaster PRO, as I believe the 50 x 50 size is the max limit, not a mandatory requirement, and smaller than 50 x 50 pixel icons are supported. The cropped version below should then take up less space on the RM track screen.




Note to use the icon above in RailMaster PRO. You must name the icon file in the format "Button_name.GIF" and save it in the RailMaster program folder where you find other GIF files starting with 'Button_'.


I suggest you name it "Button_Crossing.GIF"


Note that RailMaster does not like file names with 'spaces', hence the use of _


Once it has a name beginning Button_ and is located in the correct folder then it becomes selectable in the RailMaster PRO Track Plan creation/edit screen. You can then create and assign a 'program' to the button and use the 'program' to operate the crossing warning lights .... see Page 95 of the RM manual.


For anybody who is interested, I created the icons in "Greenfish Editor Pro 64 Bit" which is zero cost to use 'Freeware' software. There are no limitations or embedded adverts or niggle screens with this 'Freeware'. It can be downloaded from here:




It is very powerful software with many features, and takes some effort to learn, even to create the fairly basic icon displayed above.


Screenshot of the 2nd icon in Greenfish Editor is below:



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Chris i have inserted your second icon into my plan but i am having a problem adding a suitable program. To activate a program with a port number it has to be in the plan already. I added a two aspect light icon and gave it a port number. then i could select it in the program window. The problem is that it will only set the barrier lights off but does not stop them. The two aspect light icon works fine (switching the lights on and off).


At the moment i have just placed the two aspect light icon next too the barrier icon so I know what it does.


I will email railmaster to ask them if they could put the barrier in a future release.


Thanks for your help. Ducky

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You could place two of my crossing icons on the plan, one each side of the track. One of them them has the program to set the signal to danger [with your assigned DCC address] the other icon has the program to set the same signal to clear.


Having two barriers showing one each side of the track wouldn't look too out of place as two sets of barriers is what happens in real life.


If you want the other side barrier to face the other way, I have modified my original icon below to provide this horizontal reversal.




This should then turn on and then turn off the LC10 as it is in essence elmulating the signal icon which does work.


If you want one icon with the barrier down (closed for Danger] and the other icon with the barrier up [open for Clear]. Then select what you want from these alternatives:


/media/tinymce_upload/92f6bfe6ddc8f9982c4eabebcb463836.gif  /media/tinymce_upload/e87cb064619680e164d08c5a8bc036a2.gif  /media/tinymce_upload/c7b9ee4a967191eb8a8d34dcd95313d5.gif  /media/tinymce_upload/94e97e9504f4994cacea9bcd7c32c0bb.gif 


Another possibility, could be to modify your program to add in a 'pause' then add the signal 'clear' condition. Get the 'pause' length right and that saves you having to remember to go back and switch it off. I would think that the 'alarm' sound eminating from the speaker would get annoying if left going too long.


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I have added two icons and programmed one as "Stop" and one as "Clear". Both icons will start the lights but neither will stop them. The light on the two aspect icon changes but the crossing light still continue flashing. I have emailed railmaster support to ask them if they could consider adding the crossing.



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Could you screen capture and post the lines in your two programs for user 'St1ngr4y' to review, he might identify an error or something better to try.


What if your programs had two commands sequentially, along the lines [now I'm not quoting the actual commands, just the concept of them].


Danger Program

Set signal DCC Address XXX Clear

Set signal DCC Address XXX Danger


Clear Program

Set signal DCC Address XXX Danger

Set signal DCC Address XXX Clear


My idea being that the program performs a complete toggle sequence of the signal ending in the condition you want to stick.

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I have tried adding two commands sequentially but the barrier lights still do not stop.

I have added screen shots below to show the different sttings.


The one above is the settings for the two aspect lights. This works ok and turns the barrier lights on and off.

These are the settings for the two barrier buttons.



These are the two programs.



Selecting either of the barrier buttons will start the lights but neither button will stop them.

I have had this reply from Railmaster support.

“We are looking at adding support for several new Train-Tech items. Perhaps, in the time being, you can set up two programmable buttons, one for each aspect of the barrier's operation.”


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Rather than selecting a Train-Tech signal in the drop down list, try using the Hornby R8247 decoder based option if listed.


PS - My custom icons I created for you look really good on your screen.

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The programs did not work from the drop down list at the top of the screen. Bizarrely the barrier icons now only stop the lights and not start them, but see below.



The R8247 worked a treat. Thanks for the icons.




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I know this sounds strange particularly as both the signal and level crossing are Train-Tech products, but I believe that HRMS may customise the RM DCC command code for specific Train-Tech products. Whereas the R8247 DCC Command code more closely follows the NMRA standard. Using the R8247 option gives a much higher chance [proven in this instance] to obtain a level playing field baseline DCC command sent configuration syntax.


For information to any member reading this in the future. If an Accessory product is not specifically listed in RailMaster, then I would always advise using the R8247 decoder option in the pull down list.


Glad its now working to your requirement and also glad you like my icons. If I say so myself they do look rather good on your screen, much better than they did in the icon editor I used to create them. I think it is the dark grey background that sets them off nicely.

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I am sure that at one stage I tried selecting the 2 aspect light from the drop down.


The only problem using self generated icons is that they do not transfer over to the app.


Hopfully the barrier will be added soon.



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Or ask HRMS to modify the RM / APP handshaking to include the automatic synchronisation of ANY custom icon that a 'user' might create.

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