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A new toy for the workshop

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JIm, you can get a unit the same around £20 , you need to bring the loco magnet close to the meter to get a reading and it isn't a stable reading due to the magnetic field but the unit has a hold button on it. Intense electromagnetic fields can cause all sorts of nasty issues in animal tissue, exposure is all around us mains cables even.  Cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, damage to nervous, reproductive and immune systems, liver function, visual disturbance issues, leukemia, destruction of natural bioelectric and biomagnetic fields in humans and animals.  Exposure is reduced or avoided by keeping a distance from devices in use.  Been many surveys over the years, cancer clusters around HV pylon power lines for instance, the list of tests done over the years is quite comprehensive.


 It does diesel magnets, Rob.



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So where do you get them from and what are they called?

As for the electromagnetic danger, from my information the jury is still out, I have watched many programs about people living under transmission lines and read articles in my Institute magazine but nobody has ever proved it. I think it is the 50 Hz that is the big issue. If it is the electromagnetic field then our youngsters are going to have big issues with their mobile phones in years to come.

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Tri-ang motor magnets should be 20,000 Gauss or 2 Micro Tesla .


Not sure about your units here MR


10,000 gauss is 1 Tesla which is mighty powerful. 


2 micro Tesla is equivalent to 0.02 gauss; so no health risks considering diagnostic MRI scanners use magnets ranging between 0.5 and 3 Tesla or 5000 to 30,000 gauss. Your kettle comes in at 0.0124 gauss

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The Meccano paperwork relates to the magnetiser rather than the magnets themselves, which raises doubts as to the validity of, to my mind scaremongering, comments about the possible adverse health effects of model railway magnets and household products.  How do you now heat your water for cups of tea, do you eat microwave meals, use a mobile phone or power your models? I have lived next to an electricity sub-station for 45 years with no known health problems.

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