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TTS R8113 sound is on by default?


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I agree with Mike. If you just power down your layout without turning off your loco lights and sound they will revert to the same state at next power up, just as if they had simply met a temp dead spot on track.

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I am amazed, I have loads of TTS decoders that has never happened. Loksound ones, I have had issue with them doing it and retaining the last set speed, but have never seen a TTS decoder do it with the Elite or Fleishmann controller. On most diesels the lights come on as soon as as you power up the Elite, but that is because the TTS decoder doesn't initialise the ports (Functions in DCC speak) properly.

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When you powerup a microprocessor you have to set the default states of the output ports. The lights are driven by two of these, we call them functions, for some reason on virtually all the decoders I have if the loco has lights, they are on until the Loco receives a DCC command that is relevant to it. Regularly on my Elite when you power it up the loco I am testing has the lights on, once you send the loco a command increase speed the lights go out and don't come back on until you press the function F0. If you blow a decoder up you will find that the lights work, but nothing else does. Must be something in the way that circuit works. It is not a problem, it is good in some respects it tells you that you inserted the 8 pin header the right way round. It is normally always the front ones.

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On most diesels the lights come on as soon as as you power up the Elite, but that is because the TTS decoder doesn't initialise the ports (Functions in DCC speak) properly.



This has not been my experience with either TTS or Loksound decoders in diesels. In every case I have to use Function 0 to turn the lights on at start-up.

How have you come to this conclusion, Colin, are you able to do a diagnostic on the TTS circuitry?.........HB

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Ok, I will do the bit about how I know about the ports, I used to design all the start up and initialisation logic on most of the microprocessors I worked on. So I can probably work out what is going on, it is called about 30 years of experience, but personally I am not really that bothered and really it may be of interest to me but I sure nobody else wants to know.

That doesn't really matter in this case because I was talking about my actual experience with DCC decoders and testing on a length of track with a standard Elite controller.

Put the diesel with the lights on the track, power up the Elite, it goes through the "Welcome Screen" flashes a few lights and around that point puts DCC onto the test track. I know this because I have used a tester in the past which shows a led and if there is a short on the track this is the point the Elite error message displays. Display goes to default showing loco set at 3, now if the diesel has lights the front lights come on. Now if I decide to drive the speed the loco lights switch off and after this the loco lights only respond to function F0. It happens with most of my locos, the only thing I haven't checked is if it still does in if I program the loco to a different address as generally I only use the Elite to test new DCC decoder setups.


Now LokSound ones, do some really weird things, the one in question I got given when I changed it to a Zimo for someone. Programmed the address, put it on my main layout it runs perfectly OK. Now if you put it on my test track, as the Elite powers up the LokSound loco basically behaves as it was previously on the main track, it is as if it defaults to its last settings, before it gets its new command. I have noticed it do with some of the other locos with LokSound sound decoders in.

I could go into what I think is happening but again I doubt anyone is that interested.

I don't know what is special about F0, some decoders use the front lights to tell you that the current has overloaded, so perhaps it is something to do with that. As I say on a lot of the decoders I have blown up the front lights stay on all the time.

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