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Locomotive ID's

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Hi all. Newbie to DCC model railways. I have now got my e-link to work with railmaster. 

My next challenge is to change the locomotive ID's of my 3 trains. How do I do this?. Do I need to change it in the CV's then write it to the locomotive and then change it in railmaster?. Is there anything else I need to do?.

Another question. Is it possible and safe to run 2 locomotive 's on the same track at the same speed or do they need to be on separate tracks?.


Last Edited 05:40:01 Thu 4 Mar 2021 

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As you are using eLInk then all changes have to be done in RM.

You change the loco ID within RM by changing the value in CV1 (short addresses) or CVs17&18 (long addresses). Step by step details of how to do this have been posted before but the associated screen grabs are lost for now so further detailed instructions can be supplied if required.

You then have to use the change loco ID icon in the roster listing to link that decoder new ID to the roster ID. Again this is described in the manual but step by step can be provided if necessary.

The whole idea of DCC is that you can run many trains on the same track as the whole track os live and each loco only responds to instructions sent to its unique address. All other instructions to other locos are ignored. You can run them in the same or opposite directions.

Enjoy discovering what DCC can let you do.

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As Rob has said above. The previous Tutorials that I have posted on the forum relating to these tasks are still awaiting transfer of the historical images to this new forum. So I can't give you a link to completely detailed step by step 'How To's', only the text content of the tutorial.

But I will give you a basic edited highlight below specifically for changing Locomotive decoder DCC Addresses which is what I think you mean by the ID term.

Firstly you need a programming track piece connected to 'PROG A&B' output of your controller attached to RailMaster PC.

Place the loco on this programming track piece.

It is assumed that you have already created a RailMaster throttle for this loco and the loco appears in the RM loco roster list. If you haven't done this stage then you need to.

In RM open the 'Locomotive Settings' screen and select your loco from your loco roster list [roster list as described above].

With the loco selected look to the bottom of the 'Locomotive Settings' screen and select the 'Steam Engine' icon. Highlighted in the green box in image below:


A dialogue box will open to set the DCC Address for the loco. Follow the prompts to write the DCC address to the loco decoder.

Whatever address you choose to set needs to be typed again in the blue box field. Note that the blue box ID field does not actually write anything to a decoder. All it does is configure the address number that will be displayed on screen in the throttle.

If you do not know how to add your loco to the RM roster list as the part required to be performed before you get to this stage, then look to the links below.

Although as stated above the historical post images are currently missing, the 'How To' text can still be viewed. It is assumed that you are adding a Hornby loco that is contained in the Hornby Loco Database within RM. If there is no database entry for your loco, then a completely different 'How To' is used.

'How To' text for adding a Hornby Loco from the Hornby database [my post 3rd one down]


'How To' for adding a Loco not held in the Hornby database


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