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Loco decoders

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Hi guys.

I have now started building my layout after approx 6 years of garage alterations to do so.

Back then I had bought for me the 'Western Master' set as a present as I knew I wanted to go digital. I have been collecting bits and pieces since then and have now started putting it all together.

Originally I was using an unregested RM on a win 7 laptop, all seemed fine as I was able to program all loco's with very little trouble.

However. Now I have my serious build head on, I've run into some problems and wondered if any of you guys have seen this and could offer a solution.

I have purchased a dedicated pc for the layout, win 10, RM ver 1.74.

All loco's that have previously been programmed work absolutely fine, running, reading and writing.

I now have 7 decoders of 8 pin and 4 pin that wil not respond at all. I have tried reading and resetting them to no avail. I have over the years acquired a total of 3 elink controllers and 2 of them have been sent back to Hornby for test and both are fine.

I've done my best to set up RM following advice on the forum.

Is there anyway I can test the decoders?

I'm at a complete loss as to the problem.

Everything I'm using is Hornby, (loco's, track, points, decoders.) except 1 loco which I fitted a 4 pin decoder a few years ago, this works fine.

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I have an ESU decoder test rig which is setup on RM as my default loco on address 3.

I can mount a decoder in the rig for testing using RM just as if it was a loco but with the ability to swap quickly between decoders on test, making sure I do not unplug or replug a decoder whilst the rig is powered, which could damage the decoder.

You can buy a LiaisDCC cloned test rig for a tenner cheaper than the ESU one.

You may have to reset a decoder several times to make sure the reset sticks. A sure fire check is if you can address it away from default address to any address other than 3, check by operation that it has done it, then reset it and see if it has gone back to address 3.

If you have RM Pro there is an icon you press to reset a decoder.

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