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Faulty Hornby Elite, possibly looking for alternative?


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First, thanks to everyone for the many many useful threads on this forum - whilst this is my first topic I've read hundreds and am very grateful for the support they've given me indirectly in joining the hobby.

I have just bought a Hornby Elite - but it's behaving very weirdly. I can select a loco (or switch) and assign to encoder wheel 1 and everything is fine - but if I try the same and assign to wheel 2 the actual assigned address is wildly different to the one I selected. It also tends to assign it to wheel 1 anyway (despite clicking wheel 2).

For example, if I try to select loco 2 the resulting address will be loco 2012. If I repeat then it could be 0212, 0222, or 9999. About 1 time in 4 it will get the right loco but assign it to wheel 1. The same happens with accessories. The difference is too great to be just the wheel moving slightly when clicked (and I've also tested holding it very still as I push it down).

Does this just sound like a hardware problem and I should return it? It's a shame as I was looking forward to having two physical wheels for locos and the ability to plug in RocRail to control points from a PC (just to be totally clear nothing else was plugged into the Elite when I have the problems above).

*Edited for formatting

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In all probability it is a hardware issue relating to the control knob number 2 encoder. Issues with the Elite encoders have come up before, but not frequently. Such that this following post, gives a source where suitable replacement encoders can be purchased by those brave and capable enough to undertake replacing their own. Even then, there is no guarantee that replacing the encoder would fix the issue if deeper in the circuitry.

Hornby Forum - Elite Encoders - replacement items

I assume then that this is a second-hand purchase, because if it was a brand new purchase it should not have any faults and issues and should probably be returned to the seller for refund/replacement.

If second-hand, then the fault is probably why it was being sold.

What is the firmware version that shows briefly on the screen when being powered up. The very latest version in a brand new product would be version 1.45, but this is a recent release and old version 1.44 stock might still be on the retailer shelves. Firmware on the Elite can be upgraded by the user at home.

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Thanks Chrissaf. It is actually brand new so I've just opened up a returns/support request with the place I bought it from. I thought I'd also just check on here to see if the experienced folks like yourself (whose answers on threads I've read have saved the day for me many times) knew some secret I was missing.

I was wracking my brain to figure out how 'add 1012 to an entered address' was perhaps some sort of special feature in the vain hope it wasn't a return/replace job! I shall just have to find some patience and a suitable mailable box.

thanks again

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In cases like this the first action recommended is a unit reset from the Menu.

This will put the Elite back to its basic state.

If it still plays up after that then its likely duff.

If new then as Chris says it is likely to be up-to date on the firmware but worth checking anyhow as it could be old stock that has been on the shelf a while.

There is a date code on the base in the form of xx/yr. xx is assumed to be the batch number. Yr will tell you how old it is.

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Rob is correct. A factory reset of the Elite should be performed just in case it is a corrupted software glitch that a reset might fix. How to 'reset' is in the Elite manual.

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I agree with Chrissaf, return to Supplier. It is probably a fault with the rotary encoder (the second knob). They are a sort of switch that gives out two square waves to the electronics as you turn it, it probably has a fault where it is giving multiple pulses. Either way if it is new then return it. Obviously not a day for Hornby and electronics, I powered up a brand new class 37 TTS decoder and surprise, surprise no sound (yes, I have tried all the normal things), so that is a return too.

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Thanks. That would make sense as it's like clicking wheel 2 is being interpreted as a couple of extra inputs on the keypad and then a click of wheel 1. I tried the reset but of course no change. Firmware is 1.45 and the code on the base is 52/19.

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To be honest, I don't know about those on the Elite, but we used to use those on the Ford car radios and as far as I know they were usually pretty reliable. It might be that it has not been soldered in properly, or a duff component, either way that is not your problem. Your problem is the pain of queuing up at the Post Office to send it back.

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