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One time login - "Magic link"

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Not sure, I think it is to allow a member access who have forgotten their password or their normal access method isn't working for some reason.

It certainly isn't to provide any log-in short cuts.

Rob [96RAF] experimented with this 'magic link' access during the period when the new forum had just gone live and he was having access problems with his normal account log-in.

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I think it is for folk who don't have an account yet. They provide a valid email and should get a one time link to get them in.

Why anyone should want to do that I have no idea, as it is just as easy to register an account.

Now that I am in using my normal login I don't think the magic link will work.

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I could see the point of the 'Magic Link' if you had to log in to browse the forum content, but just browsing the forum is completely open and unhindered so I really can't see the point of it.

I assume access facilitated via 'Magic Link' would allow a 'one time first time poster' to raise a question or add a reply. But from a 'moderators' point of view that could be a dangerous path to allow, as it could be a back door for 'SPAMMERS' to gain access without registering their details.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As long as I have at least one forum page open in a browser tab, I never get logged out. That open tab does not necessarily need to be the one that is visible, it only needs to be a tab that appears on the tab bar of my browser. Firefox on PC Windows.

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