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Loksound sound decoder failing


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I was recently asked by someone to fix their failed loco that had a LokSound decoder in it. Anyway on further investigation I found two of the input diodes had gone short circuit. It was a LokSound v3.5 decoder with a 100 ohm speaker. Anyway this seemed a bit weird as normally when this happens the diodes fry and you get smoke, but this decoder looked perfect except it put a "short" across the tracks. So I did the normal and asked LokSound if they did a replacement service but it appears it was too old for the cheap replacement option. So I thought I would try fixing it as it was broken anyway. I removed the four diodes that made up the bridge rectifier and replaced it with a small bridge rectifier that I wired onto to diode pads with thin wires. It now works perfectly. I know this is a Hornby forum, but as anyone else had this sort of fault with this decoder to me it seems very unusual.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just as a final ending to this story, I searched around for some proper diodes to fix this item properly. Eventually I found someone that sold ones that would fit and had a better voltage rating. Have you ever tried to solder grains of sand as they were virtually that big. It now works and I am a really happy person.

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I know this is a Hornby forum, but as anyone else had this sort of fault with this decoder to me it seems very unusual.



I have a Hornby Int'l loco with a Loksound V3.5 so as ESU appear to be one of Hornby's partners so perfectly good for this forum.

Sounds great work you've done. Hopefully I'll never have to try that. My next project is a Nakamichi amp which should be slightly larger for soldering!

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