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1/72 Hawk T1A


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Hi ZeroOneman.

That's a very fine build and I agree with Dominic, The photo is superb.

Did you use your railway lay-out for the back-drop? (yes I did go to your site and quickly viewed your work. The 1/48 Hurricane should also be shown on this forum. Another superb build.)

The only problem I have is your photo is way too big for the forum as it took ages to down load. I've taken the liberty of down loading it and changing it to a JPG at 124 res and 800 pixels as recommended by the forum, plus a very slight crop. The pic is now 94.4 KB as compared to 14.3 Meg in your original posting. ( Your photo reposted as a JPG below,) The resizing was done in GIMP a free to down load photo editor.


Hope you'll forgive me, it seem to be a common problem these days with photos being posted as PNG, could be that's the default setting on camera phones.

Keep up the good work and looking forward to seeing the finished Tiger moth.

Remember we do this for fun. John the Pom

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Thankyou for the kind comments & thanks John for the advice on filesizes - that's a mistake I won't make again.

The backdrop is made up of a sequence of photos i took at dunsfold while waiting for an airshow to start - I try to do this at any airshows i go to now. The pictures were printed out on an a3 printer & then stuck to the backboard.


there is another backdrop on the other side.

When i photograph models using this I use a long lens (200mm) this gives a really nice affect & looks a lot nicer than the wide angle photos you get from a phone camera.

Here are a few more pictures of the Hawk:


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