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My BIG Model Railway Move...!!!


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Hello All & thank you 🙂

@ Atom & Yelrow :- After I solder the wires together - I did put some Insulation tape around it - just to cover it up!!! Also Same here I don't think I've taped as many wire as you have but have also used Insulation tape on wires - I once used Insulation tape to cover a small hole on a small thin plastic pipe inside an car engine area for the wind screen washer pipe & it worked really well - no leeks!!!🙂😎

@ Rog :- Yes I did twist my wires together thank you ( you will see that in my video later when I finished editing it!!!)

@ Jimbo :- I don't have a heat shrink 🙁

@ Chris :- Thank you for the advice - yep your right - only after I HAD solder the wires together I realised that I hadn't put on any liquid flux!!! 😮 oops - oh well - Well I'm not the best solder in the world - I know I know - I need more practice - but I'm JUST too excited & want to get my layout up & Running & I just can't wait!!! 😀

@ all of you :- I'm surprised that none of you have noticed my 'school boy error' in my wiring - I would had thought at least 1 of you Lovely folk had noticed my 'school boy error' in my wiring - take another look in the above photo with my BR 0-4-0 no. 56011 Loco & see why & what is wrong with it (my wiring & not the Loco) - I tell you the answer in my video - if not when I finished my video & if still none of you can see my 'school boy error' then I'll let you know here!!! 😉 Right I'm off to do / edit my video now of me doing my "Connection wire" & be back in a few hrs time!!! 🙂🚂🚂🚂

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I think that you've got it Raf - yep - I basically connected (using my new connecting wire) the outer rail to the inner rail they by creating a short - a bit like when you told me at the end of the track I have to solder a small thin piece of copper to the track but WITHOUT cutting in half & coursing a short!!! But no probs - all I have to do is pull out the connector & turn it up-side-down & re-connect it!!! You will see that at the end of my video!!!

I am learning so much from you folks & new skills & I thank you for that - much apricated


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IT WORKS!!! 🙂🙂😊

Ok - I haven't quite finished yet though, but my first track cut through (or what ever you want to call it - I'm quite sure that 1 of you Lovely lot will me the correct name for it!!!) - as you can see in the photo below - I've still got to screw in the 4 pieces of copper & finish off the soldering!!!

A = I had a little help from my friend Alan from WD Models b/c I was having a bit of difficulties in soldering the piece of copper on (& Alan did as well but he managed to do it in the end) B= Sorry I cheated - I used super Glue cos as I was having troubles doing the solder - that's why I asked Alan to show me!!! C & D = Not yet soldered but I'm going to have another go & I also bought a 4mm Glass Fibre scratch Pencil to rub onto the Copper piece!!!


The photo below shows my F. S. Gliding over the gap track??? (with out de-railing) pulling 4 Pullman Carriages (can't see that in photo cos it is a close up!!!)

More to follow soon as per usual!!! 🙂🚂🚂🚂


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Opps I forgot say - now I've got that 'small gap' as seen in my last post which I started with "IT NOW WORKS!!!" & the photos in that post have been approved - every time my Loco & Carriages go over that small gap - I now get a "Clickety-Clack Clickety-Clack" sound!!! C😎😎L 😎🚂🚂🚂 He He

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You do not need to cut right through the copper sleeper only score through the copper part. Cutting right through loses too much strength and support for the rails - imagine cutting through your normal sleepers. If your sheet has copper on both sides then you need to score both sides. My copper sheets are single sided.

Also line the copper sleepers up along the edge of the boards else they will snag as you lift the board out and could break. It doesn’t matter if the rails overhang a little bit in order to keep the gap as small as possible. If the gap is too wide you risk derails.

Then you need to drill and screw each end of the copper sleepers to the board as that is where the support and alignment is found.

Warning - do not use superglue for gluing things to the copper as when you solder the fumes given off are toxic. If you have ever watched CSI on TV they boil off superglue in a closed box to bring up finger prints. Nasty stuff as a liquid, even worse as fumes.

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NOW YOU TELL ME RAF!!! 😄 It looked like you had cut it from your photo back on P. 5!!! That is why I cut them in half!!! I don't have a Drimmal Saw only 2 metal Hand Saws & it took me ages to cut up / out the 8 pieces of copper sleepers & then again cos I have now cut all 8 pieces in half!!! Now I've got 16 pieces!!!! Oh dear (sigh) Should I start again & cut out another 8 copper sleepers & only score them this time??? My sheets are single sided like yours Raf, & No I don't really watch CSI But I have heard of that & know what you mean!!! Ok I won't use Super-Glue then!!!

I'll think that I'll be ok for the right hand side of the board (if I'm in my room facing the doorway) for the edge of the board - see photo below...


But for the left hand side of the board - the rail over hangs by about 2 CM (see photo below - the pencil & ruler mark where the track joint is!!!) should I cut the plastic sleepers a little further in so it matches the edge of the board???


What to do - what to do??? 🤔🚂🚂🚂

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I thought my original pictures were plain and showed the way the copper clad sleepers fit at the very edge of the boards and how they were screwed down as one piece and how just the copper clad was scored through.


You don’t want a very short bit of track near the edge, so rearrange your track to put a longer bit across the gap and then after you have soldered to it, cut the rails and score through just the copper.

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Update Time...

I have now finished 1 end (ok apart from a bit of soldering!!!!)...


But I have still got the other end to do!!!

I know that this end is not perfect - but it works!!! It's a bit of a 'Dodgy mix up" I've used both solder & Super-Glue - (Yes Raf I know you said not to use it but I had already started to use it b4 you had told me that!!! But won't use it for the other end!!!) I've also used a few screws aswell as track pins as you may have noticed!!!

On the outer track, you may notice that there is a bit of a slant on the white board, (The black line shows in the photo below the slight slant!!!) & what I had to do is, the green box in the photo below shows a half piece of plastic sandwich between 2 copper sleepers & the blue rectangle show a half copper sleeper on the far side just to keep the track straight - I'm Getting there (just like British Rail - where ever 'there' is???!!!???)



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Just been wondering / thinking...Should I buy some bolt locks...

Brass Barrel Door bolt (L)50mm

to lock my 'door bridge' into place to that it doesn't move & I can then make sure that it is in the right place for the track & don't get any derailments?? 🤔🚂🚂🚂

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I would screw them in place on the top of your boards then they will hold the top of the boards in line. Because your gaps are at right angles, two bolts at each end will hold the removable board secure. You can stand a small building over them if you want to hide them.

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I've finished (Well apart from a bit of Soldering to do!!!) Below is 2 photos of each end...



Also below is what it looks like when my 'door bridge' is down (You will notice that both my Duke of Gloucester & J50 Class are both waiting to Cross!!!)


Thank you to every one who helped me on this Project 🙂 I can now start thinking about the Siding area on the other side - then doing some scenery (i.e. Tress, Bushes, Cows, buildings, etc!!!) 🙂🚂🚂🚂

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& Oh I forgot to say - I went to B & Q to get some small screws & I also took a small straight with me - to make sure I found the right size of screws!!! & now I'm going to edit my vid to show how it works well!!! 🙂🚂🚂🚂

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Arrr thank you Raf - yes I will - I think that it will be a "On-going project" for a while...

As you can see in the photo below...at the moment - it is a bit of a messy work-bench but I shall soon clear it up & it will become a "Siding area!!!"


- I'm even starting to think that I may even add a 3rd Suspension Bridge - not sure yet thou...Yes well I've never really been bothered about scenery b4 - that is b/c I've always had it on the floor & it could get accidentally get knock over - but it's off the floor & on my "Train Shelf" - I'm starting to think that I may add a few trees here - a few bushes there etc!!!

I've had an Idea (Yes I know - that is dangerous!!!😀) I may go to the Viaduct next to the old Millers Dales Station on the M. T. & take a photo half way across the Viaduct of the view from the Viaduct & then - some how get the photo blown up / enlarged a bit then place it behind my Suspension Bridges for a 'back-drop' scenery, so that my Suspension Bridge looks a bit more 'real!!!' 🙂🚂🚂🚂


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Interesting idea, Jimy, about the backscene. I have also bought the Victorian Suspension bridge and am wondering how to place it. Re your blown-up photo, don't forget to have it "matte" or it might look unreal --a hazy backscene would be even better if you could get the printer to do that. Thanks for the clickable link to YT. There are so many items on YT now that is is sometimes hard to find what you want..

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@ Jimbo :- Thank you - Well the suspension bridge is pretty large - it pretty easy just to clip it together - on the flat bridge part - it has little clips that just hook into the towers & the same with the supports at the top, then they just clip along the bottom of the flat bridge part, - according to your photo on P. 2 - how about putting it against the wall scene in the far corner next to your white desk draw furniture (can't remember what it is called!!!)


Well I only a small A4 size printer - so I would have to find a 'Specialist' to print out the photo for me in "Matte" - good thinking / idea!!! Thank you 🙂🚂🚂🚂

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My Siding & 3rd Loop update...


Well I've cleared a space on my 'Railway desk' to make way for sidings...(see photo below...)


Also I've got a siding which at a later date may at some point turn into a '3rd Loop'!!! (see photo below...)


I know that the Siding track is not yet connected yet but it will be & the Siding / 3rd loop track is there just to be ready...(Cos I need to buy more Straight Track & a 3rd Suspension Bridge for that to happen!!!) As per usual I'm going to make a short Vid to explain in more detail!!! 🙂🚂🚂🚂

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  • 2 weeks later...

Another Update...

I left my Model Railway for a few days, & some weeds & trees have seem to grown...


These are my sidings - so I suppose it doesn't matter too much!!!


Trees have grown either side of my 2 Sheds...


Some 1 has even built a Stone wall either side of my Suspension Bridge!!! (more weeds are growing!!!)


A Stone Wall between the Tracks!!!



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JJ, your thread is an inspiration to me to get off my backside and crack on with a new layout. Her Grace heartily agreed to my suggestion of flooring the loft so as to provide much needed storage space for household clutter and her collection of Dr Who rubbish. After enormous labour strengthening joists, laying boards, creating lightweight removeable side walls, sorting out dodgy wiring and lining everywhere with insulation it created by coincidence (entirely unexpected, of course) a 12 foot square space ideally suited to a model railway. Hitherto I have lacked the motivation to build baseboards and get on but seeing the progress you are making has fired me with enthusiasm.

Keep up your good work.

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