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HST 43 problem


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I'm new to the forum so please excuse if this is in the wrong area and my attempt to explain my problem.

Just got back into model railways and I bought my self a HST 43 which has been going well until today! Basically the power train does not work going forward when the dummy train unit is on the track. Works fine in reverse with the dummy train on the track but as soon as I go forward with it, it starts off very slow and then stops. Lift the dummy train off the track and everything works fine.

The problem is with the dummy train but have no idea why it would allow the power unit to work one way but not the other.

Track has been cleaned and no derailments.

Any thoughts? Make sense?

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If you brought the train second hand the previous owner may have tried to electricly modify the dummy in some way. If this is the case there may be a short somewhere. Dismantle the dummy to see if there’s a problem inside. Or maybe the wheels have are shorting. Does the power car work with the dummy car on the track but not hooked up?

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You need to check all wheels are picking up correctly.

It may be that the motor car is picking up from the correct rails but one or more of the dummy wheels have been put in their bogie reversed so there is a short.

If you have a meter check continuity of the wheels to axles to rails.

If you don’t have a meter then try the following.

Without connecting them place the motor and dummy cars on track facing the same way, both pointy ends forward. Is the problem still there.

Again without connecting them place them on track but facing opposite each other as they would be normally. Is the problem still there.

If the problem is only when they are connected what is the electrical connection between the pair.

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I think the important information is in the second sentence, in that it was going well until today. It sounds like the fault is in the dummy car. Something is obviously "shorting" in there. If the unit has lights fitted then I suspect one of the diodes that drives the lights has gone short circuit, that would definitely cause issues. If if has lights in the "dummy" car try disconnecting them.

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Hi folks,

many thanks for your replies and insights to my problem.

I’ll answer all your questions as best I can.

The train was bought new.

The power car works fine on the track on it’s own but as soon as I put the dummy car on the track it will only work in reverse and this is without being connected together.

I tried pointing them in the same direction and power car went forward and the dummy cars lights worked. Put the dummy car as it should be in relation to the power car and the problem is there but only when going forward. Also, I don’t have a meter so can’t measure as suggested.

from what you guys have suggested it sounds like a short circuit somewhere within the dummy car and I think it may be the lights/diode that colinb suggested.

Got in touch with the shop and they’re going to have a look at it.

I’ll let you know what they come back with.

many thanks for replying and all your help and suggestions.



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