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HM6000 sound

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My HM6000 is now set up and working...Testing out the sounds, I have an issue with the continuous steam sound (the icon on the far left).....every 2.2 seconds there is an interruption to the sound (a tiny fraction of a second)... it sounds like a sound clip ending and almost immediately restarting...

Anyone else noticed this or is it just my system?

Roger (Chalford)

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I have just tried it on four modules on an iPad and it is continuous both at stop and along the speed range.

The sounds are made up from short clips repeated in a loop, so maybe some latency in your device that is producing the sound.

For info users have reported good results playing the sound through a range of devices from sound bars to tiny BT speakers mounted in wagons, etc.

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Tests have shown good control over 45m and even up to 90m using multiple modules in the mesh with some latency of response the greater the distance so it may be the speaker response is lagging or if you only have one module it is queuing commands including sounds.

Does the problem manifest if you play the sounds direct over your phone/tablet or is it only when playing through the remote speaker.

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