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DCC Compatible - No Socket Fitted

M. Matthews

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I'm seeing an increased amount of listings / adverts that quote this; "DCC Compatible - No Socket Fitted"

Am I missing something here? I was under the impression that this description includes just about every model going? What is the point in this statement? Just so it appears when searching for DCC?

It's slightly annoying as my partner bought me a loco for my birthday which I specified needs to be DCC ready or fitted, and due to information provided on Hattons website, she purchased an old Hornby 08 which I struggled to pretend to be happy with.

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That is a description I have seen a few times recently as well.

It just means that the Loco would be capable of being converted (as are most) but that it is not simply a matter of plugging a Decoder into a socket.

The leads of the Decoder will either need to be soldered to the Motor and the Wheel pick-ups or you will have to install a socket yourself by making the same connections. A Decoder could then be plugged into the socket you have fitted.

Personally I think it is a good way of describing such a model as it leaves no doubt as to the task of fitting a Decoder.

The other descriptions are: DCC fitted or DCC ready. The latter usually describes the type of socket fitted, 8 or 21 pin.

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The thing is that makes any loco DCC compatible. I have several Wrenn locos which to convert require drilling out the brush holder putting a plastic sleeve in and using a decoder that can supply high currents. By that definition it is DCC compatible. I think they should highlight that it is a job that has to be undertaken by someone that knows what they are doing. I refuse to use the word professional as some of those don't seem to be that good.

I think it is an unfair description. I can convert probably any loco, even the Wrens if I wanted to, but then I have many years experience of doing microelectronics so no real issue, but I appreciate it is not an easy task for everyone. The only ones Hattons do dismiss as not DCC compatible are the split chassis Bachmann models, although in reality these can be converted to DCC.

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Hornby has made the 08 Shunter in many guises over the years, including DCC fitted (Mixed Freight set only) and DCC Sound fitted (Loksound).

For all the non-fitted, RDS’s simple conversion methods apply, but you have to be able to solder. None have the complications mentioned by Colin (split chassis or Ringfield motor needing LH motor brush isolated from chassis).

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Depending how "old" the loco is, it may be a relatively recent version that has pick-ups on all wheels rather than just those on one side only. If so, probably the easiest method of making it DCC-Ready is to exchange the motor/carrier/pick-ups assembly for part X8809DM which includes a 4-pin decoder connector.

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