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"No Devices Setup" error on Controller screen

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On an HM6010 that worked a few days ago, we got to the Controller screen and see message "No Devices Setup - Tap to get started".

Have updated firmware, reset device, tried iOS and 2 Android devices, the physical connection to track, Quick Start Guide, Instruction Manual (online), Known Bugs document (online), completely unprovsioned and deleted before trying a different phone/tablet to control.

The red light is solid red as per instructions and blue light flashes/solid when it should be. The app shows the HM6010 as connected, with a track set for good luck, but the Control screen ALWAYS says no devices set up!

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Did you scan for devices after you thought you had fully deleted and reset all modules. Did you find any? If not then you still have modules provisioned somewhere.

Dodging from device to device is not recommended as you will likely find that the modules are still paired (provisioned to) to one of those devices preventing a scan by another device from seeing them.

You need to go into every device you have tried and force delete any saved devices found. Once that is done reset each module by pressing the reset button until the red led pulses, release, see the blue led flash then stop and the red led will go solid.

Then start again with your device of choice. Scan, provision, connect, etc.

I notice you speak about a 6010 module as the rogue but also about connections to track. Can you please clarify which module we are talking about and what you have connect to where to operate what.

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Not Resolved, but very good tip about force delete from all phones/tablets/computers before resetting the HM6010 module.

Thank you very much for the reply. And apologies if I used Device in different contexts: I have 1x HM6010 unit and trying to use with 1 iPhone (but also tried an Android phone and an Android tablet, including reinstalling the app on all phones/apps and resetting the HM6010).

As you suggest, yes, I scanned after I Thought I'd unprovisioned and deleted (sometimes a forced delete) the HM6010/bluetooth module. Confirmed: I then scanned and found none listed (with Mesh or retrying the whole reset with BLE bluetooth connection). Firmware updated to v1.6.3.

Yes, the Android tablet still had the Module provisioned - I've now got all phones and tablets Unprovisioned, showing 0 Devices saved in the app (by Force Delete - Unprovisioning Device doesn't always happen) and no Devices shown in the Home screen.

Reset HM6010, Scan, Provision, Connect. Still get same "No Devices Setup" error on Control page, even though Home Page shows it connected (with a bluetooth side and letter H in blue, on the picture of an HM6010).

The single HM6010 was only connected to the track. Although I can't see why, I wondered if a faulty wire to the track might, for some reason, give the No Devices Setup error (when Actually meaning the HM6010 can't detect a connected track and/or engine to control).

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You still have me confused.

HM6000 module is for track control and it has a power input and two hard wired outputs that plug into the track. The left hand one below.


The right hand one above.HM6010 module is for accessory control and has a power input and four 3-way terminal blocks for connecting point motors, signal lamps, etc. It does not connect to the track for any purpose, except it also has a 2-way terminal for powering by a DCC track. Are you connecting to a DC track via this terminal block.

Which one do you have and what are you trying to use it for.

At risk of confusing you this time. Although the HM6010 (?) is showing as provisioned and is acting as host (H) and connected in Mesh Provisioning mode I have had occasion where the attached accessories would not work. However de-provisioning, disconnecting and swapping to BLE mode then reconnecting got it functional again, but please come back about the questions above first.

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Thank you again. It also turns out that my (autistic) son Never got any locomotive controlled via the HM6010 - he also had a standard controller supplying the track.

So I have Wrongly been trying to control a locomotive with the HM6010 instead of HM6000 - no wonder I confused you (also, didn't realise I could have pasted pictures into these HTML messages).

OMG, Je*us wept. In these days of information overload I need communication to be clear:

1) It's easy to miss the difference in product name on Hornby's website (Accessory/Analogue).

2) I had realised there is no DCC control, only analogue. But, as the 6010 is a smaller amount extra then the 6000 (for locomotive control) and such similar model name, I took it as having the same function as the HM6000 (the key function of locomotive control) but a little extra (also controlling 4 accessories).

The 6010 should have a completely different model number (why at all if there is an R number already!?), priced less than 6000 if it is merely an add-on to the 6000 (which has the main function that most people will want - locos). In my industry we call it UI and UX - the onus isn't on the user/customer to Not find it clear.

3) Why is there a Track connection on the 6010, just as the 6000 has? What does it do on the 6010 - is the track connection for same purpose on the 6000? The quick start guide says to connect the track to it. (I now realise the Unclear quick startup is saying you can get power from Only the track (without the additional PSU) if already powering the track with a DCC controller - yet the product box states that a P9100 PSU is required (clearly it is Not if you have a DCC controller).

4) The "CE Declaration of Conformity" states "HM6010...allows control of a 12vDC analogue layout". You would take layout to include "controlling" and electrified track i.e. controlling the speed of 1x loco by analogue control (via the app).


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You have answered most of your own questions Matt, but for absolute clarity:

  1. If you look at each module product page their capability and purpose is stated.
  2. HM6xxxx (often called HM6K) is the app based analogue control system designation, hence all bits of kit within that range will carry the HM6-something number, therefore 6000 and 6010 are specific model numbers with their own catalogue SKU (R-number). 6010 is not an add-on to the 6000, it is a specific sub system. 6000 runs the track and 6010 runs the accessories. If any other bits of HM6K kit are added they will have their own 60xx numbers. In case you are wondering the power supplies are generic across the whole Hornby and Scalextric range so they have their own P-range numbers.
  3. 6010 as an accessory sub system can be used stand alone if say a DCC user wanted app based control over their points, signals, lights, etc so to help provide this facility there is a TRACK input connection to provide power they already have to save them having to buy a standard P-supply. The Track connection is an input not an output, therefore it cannot possibly power a track.
  4. The CE DoC for the 6010 could possibly be better worded to state control of accessories not analogue layout. Generally a DoC is to prove that the kit meets certain regulatory electrical and electronic checks, not to describe its common use. That is what the product page and user manuals are for.

I would suggest that to get a better understanding of the HM6K system you view the various videos Hornby has provided both for the system as a whole and for the set up and operation of each module.

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