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R3866 Battle of Britain - How to open tender to fit DCC


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Looking for some advice please. We have just purchased the R3866 BOB class loco and we are trying to work out how to open the tender to fit the DCC chip. It doesnt seem to be the two screws on the underside that frees up the body to lift off. Any advice would be appreciated.

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It should tell you in the maintenance sheet that comes with every new loco.

The two sheets listed on the site are for the earlier versions with only the loco to dismantle.

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The service sheet within the box the loco came in shows how to fit the chip into the socket but not how to get into the tender. I have found two recessed small screws at the back of the tender that has released that end, but cannot work out how to free the end that is closest to the loco.

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I should think it is similar to the Merchant Navy TTS - service sheet 428 applies to that one.

It looks as if once the two screws in the deep pockets are removed the tender body should pivot off. Check for any detail parts like ladder or handbrake holding the tender body to chassis.

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Trouble is with all these locos when they are new, for some reason they won't easily pull off once you have pivoted it backwards or forwards in some cases. I have had it with mine. I think that when they put the loco together the paint/print is still a bit tacky so acts like glue. The good news is once you get it apart, it is easier next time.

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