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Elite USB no longer working

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My first chance to play with the layout in over a month has been ruined when I came to boot up my PC/Elite control combo and found the connection gone. Elite works, PC works, but no connection between the two - the Com port is just gone.

Found the com port hidden as the PC thinks it's not connected. uninstalled and waited for it to be refound....nothing. Reinstalled all the USB drivers/ports, they call came back, but the Com port/Elite is still not being found.

When I try connecting to another Windows 10 PC the same thing happens, which normally would make me blame the Elite, but I'm wondering if a Windows 10 update is the culprit. (The Elite has been unpowered and disconnected for the months so it would be very weird for that to be the source of the problem surely?)

Has anyone had this happen? I know the Elite can be a bit legacy and quirky, so I'm wondering if something has changed in Windows that makes it see the Elite as 'legacy'.

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Just to clarify. When you say the com port is not being found, do you mean not being found in Windows Device Manager?

When you say the port was shown hidden (Device Manager?) then this indicates that the driver is installed in Windows, but the Elite is not being detected by Windows and then loading the driver into active memory, which indicates that the Elite USB port may be faulty (or the cable).

If you are saying that after tinkering, that the Elite is now being detected in Windows Device Manager and showing its driver entry [ USB Serial Port (ComX) ], but not communicating in RailMaster, then you need to look in the RM System Setting screen and ensure that the pull down box settings match those shown in Device Manager.

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Thanks Chris. No Railmaster involved here actually, it's another software controller I'm using. I figured it wasn't worth mentioning since this issue looks to be hardware/windows rather than anything to do with the rail control software.

Typically, 5 minutes after posting to the forum I've fixed it. I removed *all* the com port devices and *all* the USB controller devices. Shut down the PC, powered off the Elite. Then, with everything unpowered, connected the USB to both devices. Then turned on the Elite. Then started the PC.

Still none the wiser on what caused the problem to appear in the first place. The PC and Elite have been turned on/off in the same order as a routine for months (I always send a 'power off' commend to the Elite and then remove the power supply, leaving the PC on permanently). I guess this is what we're asking for when we connect famously fickle and annoying PCs to our pride and joy layouts, haha.

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I have one Elite that just will not communicate with RM. it is fine otherwise and is seen by Dev Mgr in Win10, but not by RM.

I swapped it for a known good Elite and all is fine without making any further adjustments.

Last week I had RM fail to see the Elite but it could see the eLInk, and investigation with a USB sniffer app confirmed my PCi card that provides USB 3 for my RM controllers had lost a port. Replacing the card cured the problem.

As you say these devices can be fickle at times.

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