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Zimo decoder issues [when used with RailMaster]

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Hi Folks,

Got a Zimo MX648R sound decoder and installed it into a Hornby 8F.

It was working fine on the standard '003' ID setting until I tried changing the ID to a new ID of 035.

It changed the ID but now I have a loco that will hardly move ? I've tried changing the CV settings for 2-6 but whatever I input doesn't seem to have any effect on the decoder and the way it runs the motor.

Don't know how to get the original settings back on the Zimo so it works again.

All I did was change the ID of the loco ! But I've messed about now and don't know where to get the original settings.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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Nearly all branded decoders share the same 'reset' procedure which is to write 8 to CV8. If the Zimo reset is not 8 to CV8 then I would expect it to be made obvious as a note in the Zimo decoder manual.

What DCC Controller are you using?

If it is a Hornby 'Select' then what firmware version is it [the very first number to appear briefly on screen as it is being powered up]. If it is below version 16, then it does not support writing 8 to CV8. Select versions below 14 may have issues functioning with some non Hornby brands of decoder.

If you are using RailMaster, tell me and I can then offer you suitable guidance to resolve your issue.

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Your issue is something that has started to show up in RailMaster when configuring new locos and/or decoders since the release of RailMaster version 1.73 I believe it is related to issues with the RailMaster decoder / loco database.

OK, as a RailMaster user. Then read the first FAQ linked below. Use the procedure documented in the first FAQ to first write 8 to CV8 to reset the Zimo. Then write 035 to CV1 to set the address.

As per the first FAQ instructions, do not select your 8F loco from the locomotive name list and DO NOT try to read any decoder CV values. I have a strong belief that this FAQ procedure although sounding rather bizarre, will give you a loco that will respond to the 035 address they way it did on the factory 003 address when using RailMaster as the controller.

FAQ - How do I use RailMaster to write CVs on a decoder that is not recognised?

I believe that the procedure in the FAQ above will work, but if it doesn't then try this alternative FAQ.

FAQ - I have no control over the speed of my newly added loco to RailMaster.

You won't find these FAQs listed anywhere else on the forum, they are part of a bigger FAQ project I am currently working on. I am giving you advance visibility of these two FAQs via the direct links above.

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Just to reinforce previous responses, I mainly use Zimo normal decoders and Zimo Sound decoders and using the Elite there are no issues at all in changing the address of the loco. I would go further and say that it works better with them than my Hornby TTS decoders. I assume the Select working without Railmaster would probably do the same.

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Keep up at the back there Colin (sorry)!

Not surprising you have not seen this issue with your decoders as it is an RM only issue well documented by Chris, and usually only in the RM forum (where this one might be better off).

Yes, eLink works only with RM. It’s Hornby’s cheap full function system. It is only an interface to pass RM DCC commands from your computer to the track.

No, Select does not work with RM at all (unless you can lay your hands on the “cable” Hornby decided not to release beyond beta).

Yes, Elite works either standalone or with RM, more expensive but more flexible than eLink, and a lot more capable than latest Select, still.

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I have never used Railmaster but reading about what it does it appears it is one one those packages where you have to define everything (software went through a phase of doing that), it obviously doesn't have a feature where it allows you to send raw commands. In effect emulating all the Elite functions but with a decent screen. It is not going to happen now, but anyone who has "Hornby's ears" perhaps a thing to suggest.

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Wandering off the OP topic a bit I know but...

I am not quite sure what you are driving at with ‘...emulating the Elite with a decent screen...’.

RM uses a decent screen (you provide that) and it passes commands in Xpressnet speak via USB to the Elite or eLink, which relays those in DCC speak to the track.

If you are talking about an Elite ‘Mk2’ with a big colour screen then that is a non starter as it would have to be a completely new device and the screen still would not be big enough to be practical as you imply, unless it ended up like a thick iPad with the controls on screen and the working gubbins underneath, likely needing to be wireless to get rid of connecting cables, thus at prohibitive cost.

The more logical way forward is to improve the RM route of divorcing the command device from the operating device, much as HM | DC has made use of an app loaded on pre-existing phones and tablets to control analogue layouts via wireless modules, which apart from the wireless bit are more akin to eLink i.e. a black box with no user controls.

RM has gone some way down this route by use of an app on your own handheld device talking to the main RM installation. Much work would be necessary to further evolve RM down that route as it would mean a complete rewrite to modernise it for native compatibility with Win10 (and subsequent), and logically Mac and Linux.

Certainly plenty of room for thought as to how things could go in the future.

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@ColinB........it obviously doesn't have a feature where it allows you to send raw commands. In effect emulating all the Elite functions but with a decent screen.........



As someone who says they have never used RailMaster that is a wildly misleading statement.

RailMaster can send raw commands if you know the workarounds to do it [the content of my first FAQ in my original reply above is an example of sending 'raw' commands].

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I think you summed it up there Chrissaf with the words "if you know how to do the workarounds". No I don't use Railmaster it came with my Elite, I have a copy that refuses to load, I must admit I went no further. I really have no need of it, I have an Elite to program my locos and a Fleishmann box to run my layout. Eventually when I get round to it I will get one of the more modern wireless systems like what YouChoos do, where the supplier gives me a list of the remote commands it supports, so I can write my own user interface.

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Ok 96RAF this a a lot off subject but this is what you could do. Railmaster sends USB to Xlink or Elite to drive the DCC. There is no reason why Hornby could not write an App than would send those same commands from a piece of software that has the same user interface as an Elite. So basically you do not need a new colour Elite, which is probably why they are not developing it. You just write a package that sits on your PC or phone that does all the menus that an Elite does, then converts them into the equivalent USB commands. It is the sort of thing I used to all the time.

Unfortunately, this doesn't fix the current issue with Zimo decoders but perhaps an option for the future. It seems looking at all the advertising data, Hornby already do this type of thing with Scalextrix.

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Colin, you’ve shown no interest until now I know, but given you own an RM licence, try this simplified procedure if you ever feel inclined to give it a try:

if you’ve ever done a firmware upgrade on your Elite, you will have the W10 USB Serial Port (com x) driver loaded for it. If not, plug your Elite into your laptop and power it up and it will load an incorrect driver. Go to DM and change the driver, allowing Windows to automatically find the one mentioned above. Once the driver is loaded, the rest “should” be simple.

Bin the installation file that came with your Elite. Download the latest version from the link at the top of the forum (note other topics about some not being able to do this and follow alternative instructions to get the file if needed).

With the Elite powered up and running, run the installation file as administrator (important). RM “should” be smart enough to now install correctly including ini file entries. Double-check com port in RM Setup screen is the same as identified in DM.

Everything should now be working in Evaluation Mode. Follow the instructions on installing the licence key. If that works through the HRMS servers, you are done. If any problem, it’s likely to be your AV software which needs to have RM as an exception.

If all of that works, you will have RM to play with and you’ll only have lost 10-15 minutes of your life. If it doesn’t, there is extensive info on here on what to look for and adjust. But for you, you may as well continue in your state of blissful RM ignorance. And this is the last time I’m going to suggest this to you.

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