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4 digit loco address

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it's my 1st attempt at trying to add a loco with a longer than two digit no.

In the railmaster loco list screen the drop down box to add a loco only goes to 99

Have manually entered a 3 digit no. in the field and also added the rest of the info and it seems to have added it ok and when i exit it shows in the loco list screen

on the right hand side but can't make it move

Trying to read cv1 with the elite after this just shows xxx

How should a add a 3 or 4 digit loco

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The drop down box with 99 is very unlikely to be used to configure a DCC locomotive address. To be honest I don't recognise this description, so not really sure what pull down box you are referring to, but it almost certainly is not where the address is programmed into a decoder because your description does not match with where the address IS configured. I suspect that you are describing the 'pull down' box indicated by 'Arrow 1' documented in my FAQ 2 - see below - which as stated in the FAQ has nothing to do with configuring a decoder.

At the top of the RailMaster forum is a sticky thread titled "RailMaster FAQ Index". Open the thread and click the link related to "FAQ 2".

How to set a DCC address between 0001 and 9999 is covered in it. Ignore the fact that the FAQ was written for non Hornby locos, the configuring address part is common to all locos.

Pay particular focus to the ADDENDUM section as this details the functions of all the different screen elements and 'pull down' box functions of the locomotive screen in RailMaster.

You may also find some of the other FAQs listed there of use to you. For example FAQ 3 gives an alternative method for configuring a long DCC address ... see the last paragraph comment in FAQ 3

The XXX display means that RM can not detect the decoder being present. I assume that you have placed the loco on the 'programming track', as if not then RM will never be able to configure your loco decoder. All RM decoder configuration commands are sent to the 'PROG' output of the attached controller.

PS - Addresses above 127 ARE NOT stored in CV 1, long addresses 128 to 9999 are stored in two CVs. Namely CV17 & CV18. But note that you will not see your address in these two CVs in a directly readable format. They are presented in these two CVs in the form of the output of a mathematical calculation. Long addresses also edit the value of CV29. Thus it is advised that you use the controller provided 'long DCC address' CV tools to configure a long address and do not try to write values diectly to these three CVs. CV1 is only used for addresses between 1 and 127.

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There are two quick ways to set a long address in RM.

  1. Simply type in the long number when rostering a new loco.
  2. Set any address then use the change loco ID icon (little steam loco between the bin and the i) which enables a drop down going up to 9999.


Remember also that setting an address in the RM roster still requires you to set that address in the decoder - two separate actions.

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