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Elite function keys


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Have an Elite v 1.45 and can't get the function keys to work. Following the manual I select the loco and confirm it, then press function key which brings up F00 - F009 on the top line with the loco number underneath it but pressing any number does nothing.

The manual shows the address on the top line with the function no. underneath but mine is the other way around

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I would refer back to pages 20 and 21 of the current Elite manual (v1.44 onwards).

Select the loco as normal - i.e. click a speed knob, press Loco, select address and click the speed knob again.

Click the Function button and cycle through the range of functions screens by repeated presses.

Once on the correct range screen press a number and the function indicator for that number will light on the bottom edge of the screen. Press the number again and it goes out.

The second line number is the loco address not the function number.

Operating functions of course relies upon the loco having been fitted with a suitable decoder and wired up for functions, whether sound or non sound.

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