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In RailMaster. Open the 'System Settings' screen, then open the 'Loco Detection Tab' and ensure that 'Not used' is selected in that tab for both Reciever 1 and Reciever 2.

Also, open the 'Locomotive Settings' screen for each locomotive that you have configured and ensure that the 'Detection ID' box (lower left of panel) is blank for ALL your configured locomotives.

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Hi Sta, might I suggest how to get better/more answers to your problem on the forums by using good titles to your threads. By using the title you have, you’ve told us very little about your problem, beyond that it is like a great many problems addressed here.

The clue to a good title that will attract people who know the answer to your problem is to describe your actual problem. In this instance, a good title is right there in your post. For this, my title would have been “Unable to Open LD Receiver Port on RM Startup”.

Reading your title, I have little idea what your problem might be and will I bother opening the topic to find out. With my suggested title, my first thought is it is most likely a System Setting problem in the LD tab, so I can answer this one.

Please don’t think I’m being critical of a new contributor, that’s not my intention. I’m just suggesting how to get a better experience from the Forum.

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